
adj. 被风吹的;暴露在风中的;风刮的


EXT. WINDSWEPT PLAIN OUTSIDE STALSK-12 – EVENING A Chinook swirls snow around the blasted ruins... Ives and the Protagonist slump, bruised, exhausted, gas masks off, breathing hard. On the ground between them – the matte-black algorithm... Neil approaches, removing his gas mask...
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Kat nods. The chopper lifts off and ZOOMS overhead. Mahir guns the powerboat, STREAKING towards the yacht... EXT. TENET CAMP – DAY The Soldiers head for the Chinooks. As they pass the containers, some stare at them... the Chinooks lift off, some Chinooks rise, LIFTING the containers... EXT. COAST OF VIET NAM – DAY Mahir pulls up fifty yards from the stern of Sator’s yacht... Kat grabs the pistol bag and slips into the water... INT./EXT. NORTHERN PLAIN – DAY The Chinooks BEAT LOW over the windswept plain. Stalsk-12 appears on the horizon – terraced strip-mined land leading to a set of CONCRETESTRUCTURES FUSED TO THE EARTH... EXT. SATOR’S YACHT, COAST OF VIET NAM – DAY Kat quietly pulls herself out of the water and onto a rear platform. She STEALTHILY makes her way up through the boat... EXT. LZ, STALSK-12 – CONTINUOUS The Chinooks long-lining containers RISE, slowing, as the other Chinooks BARREL in towards a large flat area – ANTI- AIRCRAFT GUNS start FIRING... The Protagonist grabs his gun and LEAPS from the Chinook as it hovers close to the ground... EXT. HYPOCENTRE RIDGE, STALSK-12 – DAY The Chinooks long-lining containers fly BACKWARDS towards a giant DEPRESSION... INT. CONTAINER – CONTINUOUS Neil looks out a peephole –
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SCREAMING. The Protagonist’s screaming. Close on his eyes – FLICKERING, SWEATING, PLEADING, DEFIANT... and we are – EXT. RAIL YARDS – DAY The Protagonist, tied to a chair, in a windswept rail yard.
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