
adj. 典型的;特有的;象征性的


INT. SHOWROOM - MED. VIEW - DAY A typical, Lido de Paris type of show is in rehearsal, as Klingman backs into the showroom.>>完整场景
“Dern, she ain’t very grateful,” he said. “Struck at me like a snake, and I just fed her. Typical female. My wife done exactly the same a hunnert times. Buried her in Missouri, where it’s considerable warmer.” Call found the carpenter and ordered a coffin. Then he borrowed a wagon and team and a big scoop shovel from a drunken man at the hardware store. It struck him that the citizenry of Miles City seemed to drink liquor day and night.>>完整场景
[Chuckles] "Trusted man." Typical of my husband.>>完整场景
Very typical of an RTO fraud in that its financial performance was simply too good to be true.>>完整场景
Harold, you say sir and I turn around and look for my father. Danny, Daniel, Kaffee. Garden variety; typical.>>完整场景
607. The typist plays Typhoon on the piano in a typical style.>>完整场景
They engage in an argument in jive talk, with Mrs. Schiff getting the best of it. She swaggers off in typical black dude fashion.>>完整场景
INT. KRAMER'S HOUSE SOUND of car screeching to a stop. PAUL CAREY, twenty-four year-old, cleancut, naive-looking, navigator trainee enters and pushes doorbell. We HEAR the typical eight-note chime progression. The CHIMES then play the Air Force Fight song.>>完整场景
EXT. RUNWAY - GIRL - NIGHT His girlfriend is moving along next to the plane as in typical train station good-bye scene.>>完整场景
DISSOLVE TO: 19 EXT. CITY STREET - MORNING 19 The night's rain has given way to a typical L.A. morning of diffuse sunlight.>>完整场景
1.Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.>>完整场景
A typical criminal behavior, being a culprit, there's a need to be in the 'action'.>>完整场景
And out of the two came ObamaCare, the typical Alinsky-ite scam.>>完整场景
Was he typical?>>完整场景
Of course, we expect Ms. Getty willbe seeking a generous financialsettlement, as is typical in high- profile divorce cases.>>完整场景