

They scan for fighter or anti-aircraft fire. There isn't any.>>完整场景
EXT. TOKYO - DAY The office of an anti-aircraft battery blows its whistle; his crew mount their guns and swerves them around. The officer whistle's again and checks his watch.>>完整场景
Then Dorie sees it: an unmanned anti-aircraft gun. He runs to it, through the strafing.>>完整场景
...transfer twelve more destroyers to Atlantic Fleet, and all the available anti-aircraft weaponry?! Washington has gone insane!>>完整场景
INT. RADAR ROOM Gunderson and an assistant are seated in front of radar screens. One of them is a video anti-aircraft game.>>完整场景
Outlaw Two-Five:

Taking fire. Deadly and the other Cobra helicopters destroy the T-72s while Jackson destroys the BMPs on the highway, before then destroying an enemy anti-aircraft nest on one rooftop.

The Americans are making a mistake. They will never take Al-Asad alive. We cut to The satellite, which uploads a video feed of a city in flames at night with anti-aircraft fire shooting out from the ground.