
n. 警戒;机敏


Brain Hack:
get ride of those distractions, increase your attention,increase your alertness, maybe through a little bit of exercise,repeat the thing that you are trying to do as many times as you can, in that training period, and repeat it over multiple days,making sure that you prioritize that sleep between. Embrace your mistakes,and make sure you take a 10-20 minute break after learning, because your brain is going to thank you. And now I'm going to thank you for your attention, and I hope you learnt something new.
>> Experience in learning English
Those keys are attention, alertness, sleep, repetition, breaks, and mistakes.
>> Experience in learning English
The card game soon became a torture for everyone but Lorie, who won hand after hand. It pleased her to think how surprised Jake would be when he came back and saw her winnings. He would know she wasn’t helpless, at least. Xavier himself didn’t lose much—he never lost much—but he wasn’t playing with his usual alertness. Lorie knew that might be because of her, but she didn’t care. She had always liked playing cards, and liked it even better now that it was all she had to do until Jake came back. She even liked Dish and Jasper, a little. It was a relief not to have to hold herself out of the fun because of what they wanted. She knew they felt hopeless, but then she had felt hopeless enough times, waiting for them to work up their nerve, or else borrow two dollars. Let them get a taste.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
More galling still was the fact that no member of his own firm had noticed the motto, not even Newt, from whom Augustus expected a certain alertness. Of course two members of the firm were totally illiterate—three, if he chose to count Bolivar—and wouldn’t have known Latin from Chinese. Still, the way they casually treated the sign as just part of the landscape caused Augustus to brood a good deal about the contempt that familiarity breeds.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇