
n. 海洋;广阔;[口]大量


I tell you, that's a whole lot of ocean.>>完整场景
What rescued the Apollo and, before, astronauts out of the ocean?>>完整场景
39.The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific。>>完整场景
If we had to have a misplaced ocean, why couldn't it have dried up and left its salt here where we need it, in the first place? Even if it were there, it couldn't keep the monoliths from breaking out of the valley eventually.>>完整场景
Now, that ocean knew that the middle of the desert was a pretty silly place for it to be, so it just dried up and went away.>>完整场景
Take the salt flats out there, used to be an ocean bed.>>完整场景
And we can't put him back in the ocean.>>完整场景
It's a big ocean out there.>>完整场景
He can't be on his own out there in the ocean.>>完整场景
We can't put him in the ocean without his pod.>>完整场景
Yeah, well, there are bad, evil-doing creatures out there in the ocean.>>完整场景
How about we put him back in the ocean?>>完整场景
EXT. OPEN OCEAN, AMALFI – LATER The boats FLY, SKIMMING THE WATER ON THEIR HYDROFOILS... Sator and the Protagonist are next to each other, standing on one pontoon, LEANING OUT IN THEIR HARNESSES... Kat is at the wheel, concentrating...>>完整场景
EXT. OPEN OCEAN, AMALFI – MOMENTS LATER The Protagonist tries to catch Kat’s eye, but she will not look his way.>>完整场景
EXT. LAUNCH, WIND FARM AT SEA – DUSK The Protagonist is driven away from the boat on a launch, towards the GIANT WHITE TURBINES of the ocean wind farm.>>完整场景
The Protagonist lifts his head and we are – INT. BOAT AT SEA – DAY The Protagonist sees the STEELY OCEAN SWELL...>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) An ocean so big it strikes me dumb.>>完整场景
A whirlwind kicks up, whipping everything into the air. The hole in the wall is like a giant vacuum cleaner -- papers, book, toiletries, bedding -- if it ain't nailed down, it gets sucked down the hole toward the light. Red fights it, but the suction drags him closer and closer... 271 RED'S POV 271 ...and CAMERA rockets into the hole, getting sucked down an endless tunnel at impossible speed, the ROAR of air mixing with his drawn-out SCREAM, closer and closer to the light and erupting out the other side into total silence and a beautiful white beach. The Pacific Ocean before us. Enormous.>>完整场景
(derisive snort) Pacific Ocean? Hell. Like to scare me to death, somethin' that big.>>完整场景
FORREST (V.O.) When I got to another ocean, I figured since I've gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going.>>完整场景
EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN Forrest runs to a pier at the Atlantic Ocean.>>完整场景
For no particular reason, I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean.>>完整场景
FORREST (V.O.) We lived about a quarter mile of Route 17, about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama. That's in the county of Greenbow. Our house had been in Momma's family since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago. Something like that.>>完整场景
This is it. He's building some sortof mansion out here on the ocean.>>完整场景
Roger that. Half a mile to the ocean cliff we jump! It's 3000 meters to the Breach.>>完整场景