
n. 痛苦;刺痛


Well, like you say, mom smart people, girls especially, are all f***ed up.>>完整场景
Difficult man, but obviously smart.>>完整场景
I know the answer -- Career. A smart woman like you became so involved in your work, you didn't have time for marriage.>>完整场景
Very smart, smoking, huh?>>完整场景
37 INT. KITCHEN - MOM’S HOUSE - NIGHT 37 STEVE washes his dinner plate. He is now dressed in smart casuals.>>完整场景
Okay. Sometimes being smart is extremely cool.>>完整场景
Don't you get smart, Max.>>完整场景
Things are better and we're finally working together in unity and you're soon to see eastside high as a better place to be the students, the pupils have morals and scruples our learning ability has increased quadruple and we're off to a brand-new start i played my part to prove that you're smart?>>完整场景
Smart. She's smart.>>完整场景
Next week. Miss james says i'm getting a "b." I knew you were smart.>>完整场景
You're a smart girl.>>完整场景
Some of them are smart.>>完整场景
She's very smart.>>完整场景
- Hillary, believe me, he wasn't smart.>>完整场景
You're smart.>>完整场景
You get your fat ass back in the truck, and you'll shut your smart mouth.>>完整场景
Yeah! She's so f***ing smart.>>完整场景
(continuing, scared, but angry) Oh, that's real smart.>>完整场景
Trusted to run it all. They say it got smart...a new order of intelli- gence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided out fate in a microsecond...extermination.>>完整场景
He's homely as an old boot. And he's not a smart cop, he's a wise one; rarer still. The onlookers, gathered patiently for their ten second glimpse of something under a sheet, separate for him to pass.>>完整场景
So rich, so smart... So perfect.>>完整场景
Yeah, but you're, like, "smart" smart.>>完整场景
You're smart, too.>>完整场景
It's not hard for you, because you're smart.>>完整场景
At 2:
00 A.M.? That doesn't sound smart.>>完整场景