

23 GORDY'S POV 23 Luis walks along the inside of the chain-link fencearound the court. A neighborhood gangbanger and his crewmatch Luis step for step outside the fence, rattling thefence, clearly trying to intimidate him.
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A1 TITLE SEQUENCE - SLITSCAN EFFECT A1 1 EXT. SCHOOLYARD - NIGHT 1 Silence. Gradually the sound of distant traffic becomes audible. A LOW ANGLE bounded on one side by a chain-link fence and on the other by the one-story public school build- ings. Spray-can hieroglyphics and distant streetlight sha- dows. This is a Los Angeles public school in a blue collar neighborhood.
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Carson Wells grabs a light pole stanchion to hoist himself onto the guardrail. He stands atop it, eyeing the chain-link fence across the walkway.
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It sails clear of the chain-link fence. A short beat and we hear a thump.
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.حان الوقت لإظهار قوتنا الحقيقية. إنهم يستهينون بعزيمتنا. دعونا نُريهم أننا لا نخافهم (The time has come to show our true strength. They despise our resolve. Let us show them that we do not fear them.) A civilian is seen jumping a chain-link fence. A German shepherd is seen chasing him but he escapes.
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