

“Ride with an outlaw, die with him,” he added. “I admit it’s a harsh code. But you rode on the other side long enough to know how it works. I’m sorry you crossed the line, though.” Jake’s momentary optimism had passed, and he felt tired and despairing. He would have liked a good bed in a whorehouse and a nice night’s sleep.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
53’ – then checks his watch. Frowns theatrically, picks up the clock, SHAKES it – DRIVER (CONT'D) Running fast... The Driver SETS THE HANDS BACK ONE HOUR. The Protagonist watches, DESPAIRING... as the Driver puts the clock back on the table, the Protagonist notices the ‘Target’s FINGERS WIGGLING... in them is a SILVER PILL... Freight trains rumble past in opposite directions, sound BUILDING... The Driver approaches, bloody pliers in hand –
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