vt. 使分离;使分居;使分开
- She went into the tent and lay awake all night while Dish Boggett sat nearby, keeping watch. It seemed to him he had never felt so lonely. The mere fact that she was so close, and yet they were separate, made the loneliness keener. When he had just thrown his blanket down with the boys, he didn’t imagine her so much, and he could sleep. Now she was just a few yards away—he could have crept up to the tent and heard her breathing. And yet it seemed he would never be able to eliminate those few yards. In some way Lorie would always be as distant from him as the Kansas stars. At times he felt that he had almost rather not be in love with her, for it brought him no peace. What was the use of it, if it was only going to be so painful? And yet, she had spoken to him in a friendly voice only that day. He couldn’t give up while there was a chance.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Luke was not easy to discourage. Soon he took a new tack, which was to persuade Zwey that when they hunted the two of them ought to hunt in separate directions. It was true that game was scarce, but that wasn’t the reason Luke hunted by himself. All he was hunting was Elmira. As soon as he knew that Zwey was two or three miles from the wagon, he circled back and pressed his suit. He was direct about it, too. He would tie his horse to the wagon and climb right in with her. He put his arm around her and made crude suggestions.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Ham... Good Hungarian ham and cheese, sliced very thin And then, when you cut a slice from the roulade... Your tongue is tantalized by three separate tastes They are so different, and go so well together... that with the next bite, you'll be sure and have all three on the fork Ham and cheese. It was good Budapest-Berlin Express ready for departure form Track 1 That'll be the right one Laszlo... Don't say anything. Come on You, and your beef rolls have given me back my life I'll never forget it Saving someone else from drowning was the best thing that could have happened to me last night I'll get you back for that An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth A blind and toothless restaurateur would be pretty useless The same goes for import-exporters!>> 布达佩斯之恋Gloomy Sunday AKA The Piano Player) Movie Script
- Listen now for the sound which forevermore separates the old from the new.>> 火箭小子-十月的天空 1999 October Sky Movie Script
- From this angle, the sisters seem conjoined, but then Jingsteps forward. They’re really two separate people.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- He leans forward and kisses her. When they separate, she hastears hanging in her eyes.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- Her identical twin is JING, who’s been singing harmony allthis time. They are two separate women who join at thewaist, one set of perfect legs beneath them.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- WILL (V.O.) In telling the story of my father’slife, it’s impossible to separate thefact from the fiction, the man from themyth. The best I can do is to tell it the way he told me.>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
- GUY:
- Erica. They lift, separate and support.>> 社交网络 The Social Network Movie Script
- Will that be the same or separate checks, lady?>> 再生侠 Spawn Movie Script
- 18. The boundary around the round ground separates us from the surroundings.
18. 围绕着圆形场地的边界将我们同四周隔开。>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子- Nothing can separate me from the love of God.>> Senna Movie Script
- And you will each be sitting on a log floating... your separate ways at the mercy of the elements.>> 孤筏重洋 Kon-Tiki (2012) Movie Script
- 146 DOOR TO CELL AREA 146 BANGS open. Federales lead in two men -- the two guerrillas surprised earlier by the heavy-camouflagedinfiltrators. The federales are armed with batons and stun guns, taking no chances. It's clear the rebels weren't brought here without a struggle, either -- bothare cut and bruised. The tougher-looking of the two hastaken a real beating. This beaten man is jammed face- first against the bars of Gordy's cell. He makes eyecontact with Gordy while the other rebel is unbound andput into a cell. Then the beaten man is shoved into the cell. A solid, brick wall separates them from Gordy andArmstrong. Armstrong's seen the patches on theiruniforms. To Gordy, sotto -E.>> 间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script
- LIEUTENANT-GENERAL BENSON If these men leave now, in separate vehicles - there are two vehicles outside -we have the ability to follow only one. We have only one eye in the sky.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- The bakery opens onto a sandy courtyard that surrounds a small rough brick home with a corrugated sheet metal roof and a separate, small roughly constructed bicycle workshop.>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
- 219/FX PARKING LOT/TERMINATOR'S POV - NIGHT 219/FX Digitized POV, approaching the cycle. The image reduces to GRAPHIC OUTLINES, with separate systems COLOR-CODED.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- He's homely as an old boot. And he's not a smart cop, he's a wise one; rarer still. The onlookers, gathered patiently for their ten second glimpse of something under a sheet, separate for him to pass.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- 10 EXT. ALLEY JUNCTION - NIGHT 10 WHIP PAN ON COPS, skidding to a stop at the corner in time to see Reese vault the fence. They separate.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- But there was just a thin rope to separate coloreds from whites.>> 蓝调传奇Cadillac Records Movie Script
- And then the Orion capsule, which will be on top, will separate and start heading towards the trajectory of Mars.>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script
- Viking 1 and Viking 2 were readied for their separate journeys to Mars.>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script
- It's an evaluation tool we use to separate applicants.>> 当幸福来敲门 The Pursuit of Happyness Movie Script
- All their fingernails separate from their fingers.>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script
- Average Joe's has shocked the dodgeball pundits and made it to tomorrow's round where we'll separate the wheat from the chaff, the men from the boys, and the awkwardly feminine from the possibly Canadian.>> 躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script