
adj. 沉思的,忧郁的;悲伤的,哀愁的


EXT. PACIFIC OCEAN - DAY The Japanese fleet steams back toward Japan. The young officers are exultant...but Yamamoto is pensive.>>完整场景
CAMERA PULLS BACK TO REVEAL Drew sitting at the table in Kwan's house, the acupuncture needle in his arm and his face pensive and sad. Kwan busies himself around the needle, trying to alleviate the pain of Drew's bruises.>>完整场景
147 INT. ZURICH AIRLINES - FIRST CLASS - DAY (SUMMER ‘95) A pensive Jordan sits, mind racing.>>完整场景
INT. EDWARD’S CAR / DRIVING - NIGHT It’s late, and Edward is pensive.>>完整场景
I don’t mind appearing in Rolling Stone, but I don’t want to appear in Rolling Stone as somebody who wants to be in Rolling Stone. If you see me like, you know, a guest on a game show in a couple of years... Lipsky laughs. Pause. David is pensive again.>>完整场景
EXT. BOOKSTORE - NYC - 2008 - DAY 2 Lipsky, pensive, smoking, walks down the street on a crispautumn day, stops at a window display honoring Wallace withhis picture and copies of his books The Broom of the System, Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, A Supposedly Fun ThingI’ll Never Do Again and his magnum opus, Infinite Jest.>>完整场景
Getty stands there for a moment, pensive. The ticker-tapecoils up snakelike on the floor at his feet, ignored.>>完整场景

EXT. SUPERMARKET - DAY Lynn and Cole emerge from the supermarket. Cole rides inside the shopping cart tucked between bags of food. Mother and son are quiet as they move towards their car. Beat. Lynn leans over, looks at the side of her son's pensive face. She starts pushing the cart faster. Cole wakes from his thoughts as his hair flutters in the wind. He looks back. Lynn is smiling as she pushes. Cole turns and raises his hands in the air like he's on a roller coaster. Beat. They slow and come to a rest at the bumper of their car. Lynn leans over -- sees the side of Cole's face smiling. Lynn's face shows a little happiness for the first time. A little hope enters her eyes as she starts to load the groceries into the car.