
vi. 变成;变得;成为


You have become a fine woman.>>完整场景
Commodore Norrington, as he's about to become.>>完整场景
And with it become all that you once were.>>完整场景
But the man has become a monster.>>完整场景
The immaterial has become immaterial.>>完整场景
Where waves aren't measured in feet, but as increments of fear, and those who pass the test become legend.>>完整场景
So tell me, what's become of my ship?>>完整场景
As may be, but first...What has become of my beloved Pearl?>>完整场景
Every survivor has become an emergency fireman, stretcher bearer, medic, iron worker. They fish men from the water, extract them from the tangled wreckage of the ships.>>完整场景
Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world. That's our mission.>>完整场景
Collateralized debt obligations it's important to understand, because it's what allowed the housing crisis become a nationwide economic disaster.>>完整场景
But you know that if you do, l will become your enemy.>>完整场景
She restrains any tears; she has become too strong for tears.>>完整场景
I know you do, Tom. Then I can count on you to help me do the things I have to do. If not, call Houstan, and become a Vice-President.>>完整场景
VIEW ON PENTANGELI catching Hagen's eye. It's as though he is pleading for some kind of understanding of the fact that he has become a traitor.>>完整场景
An Army supply truck comes very close to them, and the Agents next to Pentangeli become very tense. Pentangeli grins. Then the truck passes on, and they relax.>>完整场景
Genco has become the accountant-business manager, based on the experience working with his father. But it is clear, that Vito is the leader, and undisputed 'President' of the new enterprise.>>完整场景
INT. DOWNTOWN ITALIAN SOCIAL CLUB - DAY Vito and Clemenza drinking wine; they've become friends.>>完整场景
By now, the conversation has become exclusively Sicilian, with Merle and Deanna, looking from side to side like in a tennis match. Finally, Kay, to be polite:>>完整场景
EXT. BARONIAL ESTATE - TIGHT MOVING VIEW - DAY A boy, eight or nine, with wide, frightened eyes, being pulled quickly by the hand. This is VITO ANDOLINI, who is to become The Godfather.>>完整场景
Don Corleone... The smile fades from KAY's face, as she looks at what her husband has become.>>完整场景
Then why have I become a man like you?>>完整场景
Now SONNY's bodyguards' car pulls up, and they too become spectators.>>完整场景
Tom, what we need is an Act of Congress to allow Enzo to become a citizen.>>完整场景
Then take the justice from the judge, the bitter with the sweet, Bonasera. But if you come to me with your friendship, your loyalty, then your enemies become my enemies, and then, believe me, they would fear you... Slowly, Bonasera bows his head and murmurs.>>完整场景