
n. 啤酒


TIGHT ON SARAH, reflected in the mirror. In the F.G. a man at the bar looks up from his beer, straight into her eyes.>>完整场景
(pause) On a lighter note, these was cause for celebration at the L.A. Zoo today, as... Sarah leaves her half-finished pizza and beer, getting up in a daze. Followed by puzzles glances, she makes her way through the crowd.>>完整场景
Reese's car flips like a kicked beer can, rolling and crumpling. He's pinned in the wreck, bloody, screaming despite his training. The only other survivor, an emaciated BOY of twelve, is pulling for all he's worth to drag Reese out before it burns.>>完整场景
3 EXT. PLAYGROUND - NIGHT 3 A beer bottle SMASHES on the ground. PULL BACK to include its ex-owner and his two compatriots, YOUTH GANG MEMBERS, lounging on the jungle gym of a deserted playground. They sport nondescript PUNK REGALIA...torn T-shirts, fatigue pants, combat boots or high-top sneakers, leather jackets.>>完整场景
And then two of his friends showed up... and they were drinking beer and laughing.>>完整场景
Is that a beer?>>完整场景
Shake it up, baby Twist and shout Come on, come on, come on, baby Come and work it on out Work it on out, honey Honey, come here. I need and also, bring a pitcher of beer... every seven minutes till somebody passes out.>>完整场景
Come on, join us in a beer. OK?>>完整场景
And I'm taking four of those school sweaters... a bunch of pennants, some of those beer mugs... a few of these fuzz balls you cheer with, and... Hey, folks, it's on me!>>完整场景
My own house, I can't get a beer.>>完整场景
- Gimme a beer.>>完整场景
Hey, I'm gonna take my undergrads for a beer.>>完整场景
- I'll get a beer.>>完整场景
BRUCE jerks a neon beer advertisement off the wall as he leaps up onto a pool table.>>完整场景
BRUCE stabs the PLASTIC JUG with a SCREW DRIVER while outside the door in – INT. THE COMET LOUNGE - NIGHT The men, now done with their taunting, approach the door INT. WOMEN'S BATHROOM. THE COMET LOUNGE - NIGHT BRUCE holds the PLASTIC JOG in one hand and the BEER BOTTLE in the other. HE takes a deep breath and dumps the liquid into the PLASTIC JOG — INT. THE COMET LOUNGE - NIGHT Suddenly the door BURSTS OPEN.>>完整场景
Meanwhile, inside — INT WOMEN'S BATHROOM. THE COMET LOUNGE - NIGHT BRUCE picks the TOILET CAKE out of a filthy toilet and shatters it against the porcelain sink. He drops that into the PLASTIC JUG and starts mixing liquids in an empty BEER BOTTLE — AMMONIA, BLEACH, PEROXIDE.>>完整场景
The waitress returns with a beer.>>完整场景
Flickering neon sign:
"First beer free with release papers." BRUCE watches from a doorway as newly released prisoners make a bee-line from the jail into the COMET LOUNGE.>>完整场景
FLASS waves his BEER CAN farewell as he drives off.>>完整场景
Ken price:
Those of us who were used to eating mcdonald's And drinking budweiser beer, were Suddenly eating smoked salmon and drinking don perignon.>>完整场景
We can at least have a beer.>>完整场景
Sounds good to us. Figure we owe him for the beer.>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) As for Andy, he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer.>>完整场景
RED (V.O.) ...wound up sitting in a row at ten o'clock in the morning, drinking icy cold Black Label beer courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison.>>完整场景