
n. 快速帆船;大剪刀;剪削者;理发剪


* Jordan motions to DANIELLE HARRISON, 19, pretty, sittingin a chair nearby. Behind her, Rugrat uses clippers toshave her thick brown mane. The place goes nuts.
>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
EXT. RIVER - DAY IN A SINGLE SHOT, Karl cuts his hair with hedge clippers, while Edward cuts up a surplus army tent to make him a shirt.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
THE BAT-MAN. A MURMUR goes through the gangsters. While nearby in — INT. LOEB'S STUDY - NIGHT SELINA roots around. She checks out STATUES, lifts CARPETS, tosses the odd GOLD CIGAR CLIPPER into her PILLOW CASE.
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