
n. 屁,放屁


- ( fart ) - Absolutely.>>完整场景
And as she opened her mouth to ask the question, her butt opened at the same time, and she just farted all the way through this question - and went, "Oops." - ( fart ) I couldn't even focus.>>完整场景
He tried fart hard.>>完整场景
Uh, that was maybe a fart fret in English.>>完整场景
( farts ) But that's the worst part, when you think you have to fart and you're really worried that it might not be a fart.>>完整场景
Farting was still fairly, uh... It was still fairly taboo in the United States and, uh, they had all these morning zoo programs and they were looking for any excuse they could find just to say the word "fart" or to play fart effects on, you know-- you know, on the air.>>完整场景
( laughter ) And we're going to fart in his ear.>>完整场景
You weren't supposed to just go into church or something and fart loud and get a high five for it, but you know, it-- So you still had to have respect for your surroundings and especially big public places.>>完整场景
Female interviewer: Do you think that women laugh at fart jokes as much as men?>>完整场景
And, I think, playing up on the social idea that women are not supposed to fart makes it funnier.>>完整场景
TV shows, movies, you don't really see the women and the fart jokes.>>完整场景
( farting ) Flatula Backfire... It's not just a smart car, it's the fart car.>>完整场景
Well, we were just in the car - driving for some... - ( fart noise ) Driving is a big issue in our family, 'cause we took a lot of road trips and they want you to hear it and they want you to smell it.>>完整场景
Well, one time he did this big adult fart, like... ( imitates fart ) Female interviewer #2: Where were you?>>完整场景
So, everybody's allowed to fart, I guess.>>完整场景
Yeah, my boys, you know, have fart contests all the time.>>完整场景
"Oh, it's not gonna smell." And then releases the most disgusting fart you've ever heard and then just keeps the window up.>>完整场景
I had four brothers and a sister and I would-- if they would say, Laura, did you fart today?>>完整场景
Because I didn't fart as a child.>>完整场景
- And when-- - ( chuckles ) uh, "Smoke On The Water" by Deep Purple was on, and that's like his shining moment when he perfectly just released a fart to "Smoke On The Water." It was amazing.>>完整场景
You know, my Dad was all about farting and, you know, just... He, uh-- we would drive around in the car-- he's a classic rock fan, and he would always try to fart to the tunes.>>完整场景
But I was dating a man and we were at a hotel and I felt a fart coming on and I grabbed the blanket and I pulled it up and I stuffed it in and it was the worst thing I ever could have done.>>完整场景
Seriously, no women aren't supposed to fart.>>完整场景
If you can fart in front of one another... We got married, he farted for a whole frickin' week.>>完整场景
Our first five years we dated, he didn't fart at all.>>完整场景