n. 样式;时尚;时装;时髦人物
- How dare you insuIt me in this fashion?>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script
- We INTERCUT Porthos in the barn with Aramis and Athos in the house... IN THE BARN: Porthos, alone within the barn, finds a thick plow rope and fashions a noose.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- Well, computer stocks haven't exactly Been the darlings of wall street of late, But as steve young now reports, that Didn't stop compaq from promoting its latest Product in gala fashion.>> 硅之牛仔Silicon Cowboys Movie Script
- at Getty's old Louis XIV desk, her bearing modest but somehowregal:
- she has become Getty, after her own fashion. She tears the check from the register and offers it to Chace.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- I would say, sir, it is right up there with Jif and Skippy. But miles ahead of Peter Pan. (another moment) Like a taste? Joe nods, Coyle fashions a spoonful, offers it to Joe. Joe swallows it. But he has not yet found a comfortable way of masticating, his mouth and tongue go every which way, the staff observes him, fascinated. COYLE (cont'd) You're a peanut butter man now, eh, sir?>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script