
adv. 实际上,事实上;真正地,真实地;真的吗?(表语气)


So when they started the company said we need to have really smart people.>>完整场景
And really bad eggs Drink up, me hearties. Yo ho!>>完整场景
A really big one.>>完整场景
Jack... It must be really terrible for you to be trapped on this island.>>完整场景
But what a ship is... What the Black Pearl really is... is freedom.>>完整场景
We're devils, we're black sheep We're really bad eggs Drink up, me hearties, yo ho Yo ho, yo ho A pirate's life for me I love this song!>>完整场景
I'd really rather hoped we were past all this.>>完整场景
The moonlight shows us for what we really are.>>完整场景
- Really bleak.>>完整场景
We really must be going.>>完整场景
No no no. There is no need to bother really.>>完整场景
Captain. Do you really think we can find the trident?>>完整场景
Can't complain really. You?>>完整场景
Maybe he really does know what he's doing.>>完整场景
Q.E.D., you're not really here.>>完整场景
So whose fault is it, really, that you've ended up a rum-pot deckhand what takes orders from pirates?>>完整场景
Is that what you really want most?>>完整场景
- Oh, really?>>完整场景
- Was that really necessary ?>>完整场景
- Not really, no.>>完整场景
- Not really, no. Ain't seen him. Never.>>完整场景
- Don't really come out.>>完整场景
But my shipmates that are still there, they're really the heroes.>>完整场景
I mean, it must be really low in oxygen.>>完整场景
- I didn't really know what to expect, but nobody can imagine how big a ship is out of water like that.>>完整场景