

221 EXT. MIAMI MANSION - NIGHT (SEP ‘98) ROCKY AOKI, Japanese, 50s, is led out in handcuffs by aMAN in an FBI windbreaker.>>完整场景
But he hears a RUMBLING... Sator, without a word, exits – EXT. SATOR’S YACHT, AMALFI COAST – NIGHT Sator GRABS binoculars from one of his men, peering out – A helicopter EMERGES from the darkness, THUNDERING IN... INT. GUEST STATEROOM, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist listens to the incoming chopper – pulls on a black Windbreaker – quietly opens his door... INT. PASSAGE, BELOW DECKS, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist makes his way, looking for an exit... EXT. SATOR’S YACHT, AMALFI COAST – CONTINUOUS The chopper descends to the landing pad – rotors turning as Sator signals his men to head in... EXT. SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist is on a roof overlooking the helipad... He watches Sator’s men remove a LARGE, GRUBBY CAPSULE and take it below as the chopper LIFTS OFF... INT. STORAGE AREA, SATOR’S YACHT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist makes his way through the storage area.>>完整场景