
主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“特制的;定做的”。 单词发音:英 [ˌbesˈpəʊk] 美 [ˌbesˈpoʊk] 。 短语搭配:bespoke garment 定做的衣服;定做服装。 例句:The suit was a bespoke creation of the house. 这套西装是该品牌专为顾客量身定做的。


Just run bin/rails generate authentication and you’ll get basic models for Session and User, together with a PasswordsMailer, SessionsController, and an Authentication concern. All you have to bring yourself is a user sign-up flow (since those are usually bespoke to each application). No need to fear rolling your own authentication setup with these basics provided (or, heaven forbid, paying a vendor for it!).
>> Rails8
Solid Queue can either run as a puma plugin, which is the default on a single-server installation, or by using the new bin/jobs command for starting a dedicated dispatcher. It’s possible to run multiple dispatchers dealing with dedicated queues according to bespoke performance tuning all with a flexible configuration scheme that asks for no tweaking out of the box, but gives you all the dials once you need it.
Solid Queue既可以作为puma插件运行,这是单服务器安装的默认配置,也可以使用新的bin/jobs命令启动专用调度器。可以根据定制的性能调优运行多个调度程序来处理专用队列,所有这些都有一个灵活的配置方案,不需要开箱即用,但一旦需要,就会给你所有的拨号。
>> Rails8
Kamal 2 also includes a proxy, this time a bespoke unit called Kamal Proxy to replace the generic Traefik option it used at launch.
Kamal 2还包括一个代理,这次是一个名为Kamal proxy的定制单元,以取代它在发布时使用的通用Traefik选项。
>> Rails8
Now Jake Spoon had spoiled it all, and the only way Xavier could vent his annoyance was by winning money from Jasper Fant, most of which he would never collect.“Where’s Jake?” Lorie asked—a shock to Dish. His hopes, which had been soaring as he walked through the dark to the saloon, flopped down to boot level. For her to inquire about the man so shamelessly bespoke a depth of attachment that Dish could barely imagine. It was not likely she would ever inquire at all about him, even if he stepped out the door and vanished for a year.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
EXT. SOTHEBY'S ROME -- PALAZZO COLONNA -- DAY Gail fixes her makeup in a vanity mirror as her cab pulls upoutside the auction house. She pays the driver - INT. SOTHEBY'S ROME -- DAY -- and grips the shoebox in both hands as she waits. An APPRAISER in a bespoke suit greets her.
>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
A man in a bespoke suit stands at the window, gazing outupon his estate. The paper tape from the stock ticker snakesacross the room and through his fingertips. He whispersprice quotes to himself, like a monk saying the rosary.
>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script