
adj. 巨大的;广阔的;大量的;巨额的


BERTIE (ON RADIO) (stuttering profoundly) Be that as it may...my brother David is attending to other duties in the furthest parts of this vast Empire... The radio falls silent. Eyes widen in concern.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
We have created a vast, complex system. We've maintained it.
>> 创:战纪 TRON: Legacy Movie Script
79 E./I. MALL OF AMERICA/VARIOUS SHOPS - MINNESOTA - 1996 - DAY 79 They discover the vast courts at each corner of the mall.
>> 旅行终点 The End of the Tour Movie Script
537. The forecaster contrasted the cast castle with the vast desert.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
And then MUSA lets out the grieving roar of an animal that echoes into the next scene - A350 EXT. CREECH AIR FORCE BASE - DAWN A350 CAMERA PANS across a vast, empty desert, and finds the isolated airforce base shimmering in early morning heat.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
We see his view of the vast expanse of city in front of him.
>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
He looks out the window at the vast landscape below.
>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
Which is vast, indeed.
>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script
A IibeIous dispIay The birds and bees WiII aII of their vast Amorous past Gaze at the human race Aghast!
>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script
For the next five minutes you are the Emperor of what was once the vast Centauri Republic.
>> 巴比伦5:开端 Babylon 5: In the Beginning Movie Script
The vast commonology of space does bring us together.
>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script
[JFK] The vast stretches of the unknown, and the unanswered, and the unfinished, still far outstrip our collective comprehension.
>> 火星一代 The Mars Generation Movie Script
EXT. COUNTRY ESTATE - NIGHT A carriage pulls into a country estate, isolated among vast woodlands silver in the moonlight. Mysterious servants with shielded lanterns converge on the carriage as it stops.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
THE PRISONER'S POV FROM WITHIN THE MASK: A vast vista -- the sky, the sea, and the prison on the island in the middle of it all. The prisoner falls to his knees, and weeps.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
But the needs of the local population that grew from 10 million to almost 50 million today and is projected to double over the next 40 years will make it hard to justify the existence of such vast protected areas.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
To survive they need vast protected areas like this one.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
In order to fight the renewed poaching activity, Namibia has made vast areas of rhino habitat inaccessible to the public.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
In years to come, what remains of the untouched wilderness on this vast continent could shrink to a few pockets of fenced in game reserves that will be little more than large outdoor zoos.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
More land is needed each year to provide for this rapid growth and vast areas of African wilderness are vanishing at an alarming pace.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
The vast majority of the plant breeding was actually done in these public institutions Monsanto is very much like Microsoft.
>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script
So vast was the discord between them that it was said only a great hero or a terrible villain might bring them together.
>> 沉睡魔咒 Maleficent Movie Script
Of all the weapons in the vast Soviet arsenal... nothing was more profitable than Avtomat Kalashnikova, model of 1947, more commonly known as the AK-47... or kalashnikov.
>> 战争之王 Lord Of War Movie Script
INT./EXT. CHINOOK – LATER The Protagonist watches the icebreaker recede... EXT. VAST BARREN PLAIN, DUSTED WITH SNOW – DAY Three CHINOOKS zoom low across the barren landscape, followed by another three CHINOOKS long-lining SHIPPING CONTAINERS... INT. CHINOOK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist sits amongst a DOZEN SOLDIERS. They watch the endless northern plain unroll beneath them... EXT. TENET CAMP – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist gets off the Chinook, watching another Chinook gently set down a container. He follows the others to a tent.
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
Neil checks the locks as the Staff Member opens the door into – INT. FREEPORT SHIPPING AREA – CONTINUOUS A VAST SHIPPING AREA filled with SHIPPING CONTAINERS –
>> 信条Tenet Movie Script
EXT OVERGROWN GARDEN - DUSK BRUCE WAYNE stands in a vast, classical garden amid weeds and tall grass. Flickering firelight illuminates his face in the gathering gloom of night.
>> 蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script