
n. 家庭;家族;家属;亲属;子女;僚属


Please send my best regards to your family.
>> 15. Seeing the Group Off
You don't have to answer everything all at once. You know I tell all people Jade Morgan. Everyone should take your on their own, their mind, their body, their spirit, their soul, their family, their health.
>> work hard but work smart
You've got the brains.You can make decisions. You can study the plan. You can change your life.You can grow immensely in the next few years.You can make your dreams come true.You can build a financial wall around your family. Nothing can get through. You can become healthy, you can become powerful. Why not you?
>> Why not you? why not now?
building a strong family takes time.
>> 36-Across the Channel
Second, it came quickly, By the time Itomi and her family went back to Japan, at the end of the year her English was closing in on the way the other children in the neighborhood were talking.
>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
My experience took place in 1974, when I was briefly living in exile from California, working at the City University of New York at Queens Collage as director of English as a second language. And like everyone else in New York we lived in a big apartment building. And the apartment next door to use was owned by a Japanese company. And every year there would be a new family in the apartment.And every year there were the children who couldn't speak English.And there I was: director of English as a second language.I will teach English to these children and brag about it to my friends.
>> comprehensible input - One way only one way to acquire a language
I don't care what his family's like or if he doesn't have any brothers, but he doesn't have to lie to me.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
I bet you have a great family.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
My family name is .. and my given name is ... .
>> questions
talk to your teachers.revise with other classmates.let your family help you. stay relaxed.
>> Revision
A Jewish policeman grabs Szpilman by his collar and pulls him back out of the police cordon. It's Heller. The rest of the family have reached the next truck to be filled.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Father holds the caramel between thumb and forefinger and examines it carefully. Then, carefully takes out his penknife and with great care divides the caramel into six pans. He hands a part to each of the family.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
(turning to the family) Have we got twenty between us?
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Other Jews stand ready to start sorting the load, among them the Szpilman family. Shupos and Jewish policemen supervise.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
I've been trying to get a certificate of employment for my father. I've managed to get certificates for me and the rest of the family but I need one more for my father. I've been trying all the firms, the shops...
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
The family rise to their feet fast, except for the old man in the wheelchair. The NCO bears down on him.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
In an apartment directly opposite, a businessman, his wife, three young people and an old man in a wheelchair sit at their dining table. The SS men burst in, machine pistols at the ready. The family is frozen with horror, remain seated.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
The family rush to the windows.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. GHETTO APARTMENT - EVENING Summer. The windows are open and the sounds of the ghetto can be heard in the background. The family sit round the small table as Mother comes with a saucepan of soup and starts to serve.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
(interrupting, flaring) Yes, I'm looking at you and that's why I'm here. Your whole family can have a better life. You want to go on struggling for survival, selling books on the street?
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
You know what I think? I think they're totally stupid. I've got a family to feed and I spend half my time here waiting for them to let us through.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
He smiles and runs to catch up with his family. He looks back, but Dorota is lost to sight and the procession continues on its way.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. WARSAW APARTMENT - NIGHT The family are gathered around the table, listening to Father reading from the newspaper.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
The family are seated around the dining table, having just finished a meal. The table groans with the remains of the dinner. Szpilman has a plaster over his cut.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
The family consist of MOTHER, in a state of great anxiety, FATHER, REGINA, twenty-six, HALINA, twenty-two, and HENRYK, twenty-four, the only one not in movement. He sits by the radio set, ear to the speaker, trying to tune to a station.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script