
n. 事件,事变;插曲


And it's supposed to be this low incident.>>完整场景
INT. MICHELLE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT The door opens and they move in; it is in fact empty, though a mess. They move to the wall, where Aramis, after a little looking, locates the levers to open the wall/door to the King's secret passageway. Aramis enters first, the others follow. We half expect Michelle to pop up at any moment, but the Musketeers enter the passage without incident.>>完整场景
Laying to rest this tragic incident, we've had this splendid set of rooms made over for you, haven't we, Jim?>>完整场景
The sounds of breaking glass fill the luxurious penthouse as the report continues — NEWS ANCHOR, BRIAN (CONT'D) This evening, Police Commissioner Loeb faces numerous criminal charges including kidnapping and allegations of collusion with organized crime. Further reports indicated that Detective Jonathan Flass, also hospitalized at this hour in an unrelated incident, will turn state's witness against Loeb.>>完整场景
ON THE TV— NEWS ANCHOR, BRIAN In a bizarre shooting incident early this morning Gotham's Hero Cop James Gordon thwarted an attempted kidnapping of his pregnant wife by a band of ROGUE POLICE OFFICERS. Following the melee, three police officers are dead and two others hospitalized, including Police Commissioner Gillian Loeb who was BLINDED and DISFIGURED during the confrontation. GORDON was admitted to MERCY GENERAL for gunshot wounds. He is expected to make a complete recovery, as is his wife, ANN, and the baby.>>完整场景
Yes, Gordon. I heard about the unfortunate incident the other day.>>完整场景
Listen, um... Your wife had an incident earlier today.>>完整场景
In the wake of the Sydney incident which showed the ineffective nature of the Wall of Life program, many are questioning the government's motives and wondering why the Jaeger program has been discontinued.>>完整场景