
vt. 拥有;承认


They most important thing in life is: Put your own feeling first. Only when we're fully charged with energy, we can have the extra strength to love others and this world.
>> 马斯克: 如果你对自己说
All the goals I wrote down have become my reality, But what I gotta warn you this doesn't mean just by writing it down, it's gonna happen on its own.
>> 马斯克: 如果你对自己说
But if you say "I own 1 million dollars" even though it's far from your actual income your brain perks up and pays attention to it.
>> 马斯克: 如果你对自己说
Silence, each locked in their own thoughts.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
She's my child, too, Scarlett. And you're making a mistake if you think I'm leaving her here with a mother who hasn't the decency to consider her own reputation.
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
Oh, is that all? Well, you could gradually buy the business, and then it would be your own, and then...
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
Selfish to the end, aren't you? Thinking of your own precious hide with never a thought for the noble cause.
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
Not even your own.
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
Oh, Paw, you know I'm no 'tattle like Sue Ellen. But it does seem to me that after you broke your knee last year jumping that same fence...... Mr. O'HARA I'll not have me own daughter telling me what I shall jump and not jump. It's my own neck, so it is.
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
This is how polyglots learn languages, and the best news is it's available to anyone who is willing to take the learning into their own hands.
>> The secret of learning new language [TED]
This kicks off the complex exchange of SDP descriptions and ICE candidates, and once either is received by the newcomer, it can start the streaming process from its own stream to the other client. Now all clients are streaming to and from each other.
>> webRTC Hotwire and Ruby on Rails
I had a chance to do that a few times in my life and that was really helpful for me and when you're there, even try not to stay in touch with your family or contact them as infrequently as possible in order to completely change the way you think, so you start thinking in English while you live there in America, Maybe you can't go to America. try United Kingdom, try some other countries where english is also used and even when you travel to other countries which have their own languages, English is the language for tourism. when you travel there, they may understand your local language. For example you speak German and you travel to Turkey and in hotels they may understand German and they may try to speak it and you will feel comfortable using your own language. don't do that, Switch to English, every time you travel, every time you have an opportunity to speak english, use that opportunity, even if the person in front of you is not a native english speaker.
>> You don't need perfect
I earn/ I achieve / I weigh / I drive such and a car , I own ... then you take this list of ten and you say If I had a magic wand and I could wave this magic wand and I could have any one goal on my list within 24 hours. which one goal will have the greatest positive impact on my life and usually this will jump out at you.
>> 实现目标的7步
"Nostalgia is an emotion I can feel only for my own country... but I will never forget... my strolls along the beach and among the rocks... where tiny plants and flowers grow... exactly the same way as in a large garden composition."
>> 邮差 Postino Il Movie Script
Why don't you mind your own business?
>> 邮差 Postino Il Movie Script
Then with the seven green tongues of seven green tigers... of seven green seas... it caresses it, kisses it, wets it... and pounds on its chest, repeating its own name.
>> 邮差 Postino Il Movie Script
His own son has problems with math.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
They want you to pull your own weight so they can go take vacations on Mount Fuji.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
If this man can walk in here and dictate his own terms, over my objections I see no reason to continue as department chair.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
Now I own this place.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
She should make her own choices.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
Keep your eyes on your own paper.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
289 EXT. LIFEBOATS / OCEAN - NIGHT Fifth Officer Lowe, the impetuous young Welshman, has gotten Boats 10, 12 and Collapsible D together with his own Boat 14. A demon of energy, he's had everyone hold the boats together and is transferring passengers from 14 into the others, to empty his boat for a rescue attempt.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
(he smiles reassuringly) I'll be alright. Hurry up so we can get going... we got our own boat to catch.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
(holding up stacks of bills) I make my own luck.
>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script