
n. 车轮;方向盘;转动


A giant wheel of cheese?>>完整场景
Faster, Diaval, faster! She will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep like death.>>完整场景
King Stefan ordered his men to seize every spinning wheel in the kingdom.>>完整场景
But before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep like death, a sleep from which she will never awaken.>>完整场景
Right. Both hands on the wheel.>>完整场景
They're six-inch fairies! Fawn, the wheel! Sil, whirlwind! Take that! Whoa, whoa... Blast it. The second star! They turned the ship around! Yup, we sure did.>>完整场景
On the other hand, if you are looking for a traditional wheel gun, there is no substitute for the six inches of muzzle energy of a.357 magnum.>>完整场景
She jumped the gun – she killed him! The Protagonist looks at Ives, ashen – A LINE DROPS BETWEEN THEM – EXT. HYPOCENTRE RIDGE, STALSK-12 – CONTINUOUS Neil is at the wheel of the truck. Through the rear-view mirror he looks at his line running into the hole. Through the windshield he watches Red and Blue soldiers finish loading and LIFT OFF. He checks his watch – ‘00:09’,>>完整场景
INT. /EXT. SAAB – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist finds a clear lane and guns the engine, tracking the Mercedes as it pulls alongside the Audi, racing ‘forwards’, and Sator, orange case in hand, climbs from the Mercedes into the Audi... The Audi pulls alongside the BMW – the Protagonist, sensing the moment, LOWERS HIS WINDOW... Sator lifts the orange case, BUT HIS EYES ARE ELSEWHERE – Inside the Saab, the Protagonist hears BANGING – the BLACK METAL SHAPE ‘unwedges’ from where it’s been stuck down the side of a seat – ‘BOUNCING’ around the interior – The Saab CUTS between the Audi and the BMW – The orange case FLIES OUT OF SATOR’S HANDS – BOUNCES OFF THE SAAB’S WINDSHIELD, ‘LANDING’ IN THE BMW – JUST AS THE BLACK METAL SHAPE JUMPS OUT OF THE SAAB AND INTO THE (FORWARD) PROTAGONIST’S LOWER HAND... Sator, SEEING THIS, YANKS the wheel – CLIPS the Saab – the Protagonist STRUGGLES for control – but the Saab SPINS AND ROLLS DOWN THE HIGHWAY, COMING TO REST ON ITS ROOF.>>完整场景
He checks the phone – a blinking dot half a mile away – he GUNS it, FISHTAILING unexpectedly... EXT. HIGHWAY – CONTINUOUS We see the fire fight from before IN REVERSE – Neil laying down fire from between cars, Kat carried ‘back’ to the Audi... Behind Neil, Sator, MOVING FORWARDS, checks the glove compartment of the BMW... NOTHING. FUMING, he heads back to the Mercedes, DUCKING behind cars, bullets FLYING... INT./EXT. SAAB – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist pulls onto a busy highway where the cars are FACING HIM, BUT MOVING IN HIS DIRECTION... The Saab races along, the only normal-looking car on a road full of cars SPEEDING BACKWARDS... On the phone, the flashing dot is CLOSER... Slowing, the Protagonist spots the ORANGE CASE lying empty by the side of the road. He PULLS OVER some distance away – JUMPS out of the car – pulls out his BLUETOOTH EARPIECE and WEDGES it between the foam padding and the orange plastic... The Protagonist heads back to his car, checks the signal from his phone... PEERS at the case... The case SHUDDERS TO LIFE – LEAPS INTO THE WINDOW OF A PASSING CAR – THE MERCEDES – The Protagonist PEELS OUT, DUST FLIES UP IN CLOUDS THAT DON’T FULLY BLOSSOM as expected, but CONTRACT... The Protagonist STRUGGLES with the wheel, trying to keep the car on the road with its unaccustomed handling... Christ!>>完整场景
Neil hands him a phone. The Protagonist sticks a Bluetooth earpiece in his ear, passes into the airlock – Wheeler shuts it behind him. Then opens the OUTER DOOR... EXT. YARD, TALLINN FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist emerges into a strange world – the air feels different, the friction of his feet on the asphalt feels different. He looks up at birds flying backwards... at steam contracting... at a pile of dust sucking itself bigger... In the yard he spots the SAAB... he runs over, finds the keys sitting on the front tyre – INT./EXT. SAAB – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist LOOKS in the glove box – NOTHING – LOOKS in the wheel well – NOTHING – the back seat – NOTHING. He gives up – starts the engine... pulls out, gently, feeling out the strange handling of the vehicle... INT./EXT. SAAB, TALLINN STREETS – MOMENTS LATER The Protagonist steers the car around BACKWARDS-MOVING TRAFFIC and BACKWARDS-WALKING PEDESTRIANS, MARVELLING... People STARE at the car as it approaches, as if they already know a backwards-driven car is heading their way (which, of course, they do).>>完整场景
He left her in the car! Neil looks forward to the backwards Audi, SPEEDING AWAY – INT./EXT. BACKWARDS AUDI – CONTINUOUS NO ONE IS AT THE WHEEL as the car continues to accelerate – Kat lies in the back, breathing, groaning, but unconscious... INT./EXT. BMW, TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist stares ahead at the backwards Audi –>>完整场景
The Protagonist turns – Kat leans in to Sator – KAT (CONT'D) Burn in hell, Andrei – – and YANKS HIS QUICK-RELEASE – he FLIES off the boat, SMASHING HEAD-FIRST into the waves – The Protagonist sees Sator FACE-DOWN, UNCONSCIOUS – he UNCLIPS, JUMPS to the wheel, SPINNING the boat OFF THE WIND – KAT (CONT'D) YOU CAN’T JIBE A BOAT LIKE THIS – ! The Protagonist STEERS the boat across the wind, SNAPPING THE BOOM ACROSS, ALMOST LOSING THE MAST –>>完整场景
Kat works the wheel, tracking the other boat. Her look is one of BOTTLED RAGE...>>完整场景
EXT. OPEN OCEAN, AMALFI – LATER The boats FLY, SKIMMING THE WATER ON THEIR HYDROFOILS... Sator and the Protagonist are next to each other, standing on one pontoon, LEANING OUT IN THEIR HARNESSES... Kat is at the wheel, concentrating...>>完整场景
The driver desperately CUTS THE WHEEL but it's too late. The big car SKIDS sideways and SMASHES into the cops.>>完整场景
SELINA braces herself as he wrenches the steering wheel. The darkened LINCOLN SWERVES to a stop in the woods.>>完整场景
The front end of the LINCOLN SCREECHES to a stop, a WHEEL an inch from SELINA's face.>>完整场景
DETECTIVE FLASS sits behind the wheel of an UNMARKED COP CAR with a Ballantine Ale on his lap.>>完整场景
- Steve. all cars have steering wheels but no one tries to claim that the steering wheel was their invention.>>完整场景
285INT -- FOODWAY -- DAY 285 Bagging groceries. CHILDREN underfoot. One points a toy gun at Red, pumping the trigger. Red focuses on the gun, listening to it CLICKETY-CLACK. Sparky wheel grinding.>>完整场景
(shuts the book) When I picture him heading south in his own car with the top down, it makes me laugh all over again... 267EXT -- MEXICO -- HIGHWAY -- DAY (1966) 267 A red convertible rips along with Andy at the wheel, cigar jutting from his grin, warm wind fluttering his tie.>>完整场景
I suspect Mr. Dufresne's answer to that would be yes. I further suspect he carried out that sentence on the night of September 21st, this year of our Lord, 1946, by pumping four bullets into his wife and another four into Glenn Quentin. And while you think about that, think about this... He picks up a revolver, spins the cylinder before their eyes like a carnival barker spinning a wheel of fortune.>>完整场景
INT. THE BRIDE'S CAR(MOVING) - DAY The Bride behind the wheel of the convertible, her long blonde hair whipping in the wind, talks to Bill for the first time in five years and six months.>>完整场景
INT. PORSCHE(MOVING) - DAY Bill behind the wheel, his little girl asleep in the passenger seat. He sees something ahead.>>完整场景