
n. 成就;达到;完成


I think if there is sort of a sadness for people under forty-five or something, it has to do with pleasure and achievement and entertainment.>>完整场景
A formidable achievement.>>完整场景
It may be our greatest achievement.>>完整场景
That's an astonishing achievement for which breeders deserve credit, for which fertilizer makers deserve credit, for which pesticide makers all deserve credit.>>完整场景
small metal object crosses the empty space surrounding Earth. If it appears to be a small satellite that is only because it is far away from us. It is the size of one football field. It is- The INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION (ISS). It resembles a dragonfly. Its solar panels stretch out, like wings, from the long body made of connected pressurized modules. It floats with a sense of proud achievement. It orbits at an altitude of 500 km above sea level. It moves at an average of 27,700 kilometers per hour, completing 15.7 laps around the Earth per day. It is cruising over Zimbabwe. To the East, the island of>>完整场景
In recognition for his outstanding achievement in the field of child psychology, his dedication to his work, and his continuing efforts to improve the quality of life for countless children and their families, the City of Philadelphia proudly bestows upon its son Dr. Malcolm Crowe... That's you... the Mayor's Citation for Professional Excellence. Beat. The power of the words sobers the two of them.>>完整场景