
vt. 逃避,避免;被忘掉


lf it comes to it, we can escape using the tunnels.>>完整场景
Meant for escape?>>完整场景
How did you escape poverty and how did you break that cycle?>>完整场景
I thought we might have to endure some ill-conceived escape attempt, but not from you.>>完整场景
How did you escape last time?>>完整场景
We can escape in the same way.>>完整场景
Perhaps you'll be able to conjure up another miraculous escape.>>完整场景
No! I cannot just step aside and let you escape.>>完整场景
- He can never escape the island.>>完整场景
Hold on, One ship was trying to escape through the smoke.>>完整场景
He said your compass was the key, his escape. An army of dead, are coming straight for you, Jack.>>完整场景
The key to our escape..>>完整场景
[Screaming] [Man] Prisoner escape!>>完整场景
All hands, prisoner escape!>>完整场景
If we cannot escape these doldrums before night, I fear we will sail on trackless seas.>>完整场景
He'll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove.>>完整场景
I can offer you an escape.>>完整场景
- How's that escape route workin ?>>完整场景
- Planning an escape route.>>完整场景
- She will escape.>>完整场景
(beat) One crew of Doolittle's raiders made it to Vladivostok, Russia, where they were interred for much of the war. Thirteen planes crash landed in China, where the Chinese people helped the Americans escape, and had their villages destroyed and citizens executed by the Japanese forces of occupation. Two crews were captured by the Japanese and three fliers were executed without trial, called "war criminals" by the Japanese. Jimmy Doolittle was promoted to General, and given the medal of honor.>>完整场景
Some of the sailors who were trapped are naked. They fight their way toward the escape hole cut into the hull, assisted by rescue workers.>>完整场景
The steel circle pops out, and they knock the welders down in their hurry to escape.>>完整场景
INSIDE THE OKLAHOMA, everyone and everything is spilling upside down. The ship's generators sputter out and the lights go out. The flashlights of the few sailors who can find them cut raggedly through the darkness, and water spills in. There is no escape.>>完整场景
-- INSIDE THE SHIPS, sleeping sailors are thrown from their bunks; those already awakened run for their battle stations, and try to make it up to the deck; but there's no escape there, as... -- Zero fighter planes strafe the ships, raking the decks and killing sailors with MACHINE GUN FIRE.>>完整场景