
vt. 投,抛;投射(光、影、视线等);浇铸;计算


Someone, cast a line.>>完整场景
And an unexpected death'd cast a slight pall on our meeting.>>完整场景
Prepare to cast off.>>完整场景
The die is cast.>>完整场景
- Make ready to cast off!>>完整场景
- Cast off those lines!>>完整场景
The Vatican has cast its vote. Corleone Group already controls the Board.>>完整场景
The die is cast and like a good soldier, Pentangeli will go all the way now. So he is brazen in his defiance of the Senator.>>完整场景
EXT. KEY WEST - NIGHT Michael is led to a desolate, night-lit private dock. He is followed by the ever-present Bussetta, and they are helped onto a light-weight, luxury cabin cruiser. The crew cast off various ropes, and the boat sets out into the night.>>完整场景
By luck, the same day, Call saw a buggy for sale. It was old but it looked sturdy enough, and he bought it. The next day he had the coffin covered in canvas and lashed to the seat. The buggy hood was in tatters, so he tore it off. Greasy, the mule, was used to pulling the wagon and hardly noticed the buggy, it was so light. They left Miles City on a morning when it had turned unseasonably cold—so cold that the sun only cast a pale light through the frigid clouds. Call knew it was dangerous to go off with only two animals, but he felt like taking his chances.>>完整场景
It amused her that he was so jealous of Dish, who, though friendly, companionable and an excellent hand, was not interested in her at all. His love for Lorena leaped out of every look he cast in her direction, although not one of them penetrated Lorena’s iron grief. Clara herself didn’t try to touch or change Lorena’s grief—it was like Martin’s fever: either it would kill her or it wouldn’t. Clara would not have been surprised by a gunshot if it had come from Lorena’s room. She knew the girl felt what she had felt when her boys died: unrelievable grief. In those times, the well-meaning efforts of Bob or the neighbors to cheer her up had merely affronted her. She hadn’t wanted to live, particularly not cheerfully. Kindly people told her that the living must live. I don’t, if my boys can’t, she wanted to say to them. Yet the kindly people were right; she came slowly back to enjoyment and one day would even find herself making a cake again and eating it with relish.>>完整场景
She saw that the young woman was very frightened of her. She had dismounted but kept her eyes cast down. July and Cholo walked up just at that time, July with a look of surprise on his face.>>完整场景
The girl beat him to the creek and began making mud poultices and spitting in them. She immediately dismantled a couple of crawdad houses to get the kind of mud she required. Fortunately the creek had a high bank, which cast a little shade. Roscoe sat in the shade and allowed the girl to pack the mud poultices over the stings on his face. She even managed to get one on the swelling near his eye.>>完整场景
THE DEATH OF the young Irishman cast a heavy gloom over the cow camp. Call could do nothing about it. For the next week it seemed no one talked of anything but the death.>>完整场景
He motioned at a chair, and Dish took it, feeling red in the face one second and pale the next. He longed to know what Lorena was feeling about it all, and when Jake turned his head a minute, he cast her a glance. Her eyes were unusually bright, but they didn’t see him. They returned continually to Jake, who was paying her no particular mind. She tapped her fingers on the table three or four times, a little absently, as if keeping time with her own thoughts, and she drank two more sips from Jake’s glass. There were tiny beads of sweat above her upper lip, one right at the edge of the faint scar, but she didn’t look bothered by the heat or anything else.>>完整场景
The men stopped on the far side of the lots to read the sign Augustus had put up when the Hat Creek outfit had gone in business. All Call wanted on the sign was the simple words Hat Creek Livery Stable, but Augustus could not be persuaded to stop at a simple statement like that. It struck him that it would be best to put their rates on the sign. Call had been for tacking up one board with the name on it to let people know a livery stable was available, but Augustus thought that hopelessly unsophisticated; he bestirred himself and found an old plank door that had blown off somebody’s root cellar, perhaps by the same wind that had taken their roof. He nailed the door onto one corner of the corrals, facing the road, so that the first thing most travelers saw when entering the town was the sign. In the end he and Call argued so much about what was to go on the sign that Call got disgusted and washed his hands of the whole project.That suited Augustus fine, since he considered that he was the only person in Lonesome Dove with enough literary talent to write a sign. When the weather was fair he would go sit in the shade the sign cast and think of ways to improve it; in the two or three years since they had put it up he had thought of so many additions to the original simple declaration that practically the whole door was covered.>>完整场景
Border nights were so dry you could smell the dirt, and clear as dew. In fact, the nights were so clear it was tricky; even with hardly any moon the stars were bright enough that every bush and fence post cast a shadow. Pea Eye, who had a jumpy disposition, was always shying from shadows, and he had even blazed away at innocent chaparral bushes on occasion, mistaking them for bandits.>>完整场景
Call angled west of the town, toward a crossing on the river that had once been favored by the Comanches in the days when they had the leisure to raid into Mexico. It was near a salt lick. He had formed the habit of walking up to the crossing almost every night, to sit for a while on a little bluff, just watching. If the moon was high enough to cast a shadow, he sheltered beside a clump of chaparral. If the Comanches ever came again, it stood to reason they would make for their old crossing, but Call knew well enough that the Comanches weren’t going to come again. They were all but whipped, hardly enough warriors left free to terrorize the upper Brazos, much less the Rio Grande.>>完整场景
INT. HIGH SCHOOL STAGE - DAY A dashingly handsome Edward leads the CAST out for a curtain call. He’s the star of the show. Off to the side, we see Don Price is the ass-end of a horse costume.>>完整场景
MOVING UP behind the kids, we find ourselves at the gatesof... EXT. A CREEPY OLD HOUSE - NIGHT ADULT EDWARD (V.O.) Now, it’s common knowledge that mosttowns of a certain size have a witch, if only to eat misbehaving children andthe occasional puppy who wanders intoher yard. Witches use those bones to cast spells and curses that make theland infertile.>>完整场景
Will (6) sits in his pajamas on the floor next to him. The endtable lamp lies between them, its shade off to cast bigshadows on the wall.>>完整场景
Off the glow of the reading light, the boy is using his handsto cast shadows on the seat back. The kid is pretty good, making a convincing bird, a passable monkey, and finally adog.>>完整场景
I tied my ring to the strongest linethey made -- strong enough to hold up abridge, they said, if just for a fewminutes -- and I cast upriver.>>完整场景
Even the entire cast of 'ER' couldn't put you back together again.>>完整场景
Okay. Um... I think it's hard to cast that role … to fill it when you know it's for thirty or forty years … someone who, whatever mental landscape you're in, they're going to be in it too, you need someone who'll fit any landscape you can imagine.>>完整场景