
adj. 与众不同的;不寻常的;不平常的


It obviously sounds a little unusual.
>> Some business dialogue sentences
The explanation was simple but very unusual.
>> 53-Hot Snake
It says the parcel is taking longer than usual to be collected. This isn't unusual at all during holidays depending on the courier.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
Seated at the table with Mother and Father is a uniformed young man, YITZCHAK HELLER, unusual appearance, a man with red hair and a Hitler moustache.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
"The board doubts the grades are valid because of these unusual circumstances. " These people are human.
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
"Based upon the unusual agreement of incorrect answers... "... E.T.S. Must question the scores... "... Of all students with such unusual agreement. " What does it mean in English?
>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
There’s a structure in the distance... EXT. FARMHOUSE - DAY A FARMHOUSE built from old lumber. There’s no cattle or livestock in sight. Unusual for this fertile land.
>> A Quiet Place 寂静之地 Movie Script 2018
drop unusual liquid deny always.
>> 2024-7 beverage and allergic
Smyth is quite an unusual name.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales加勒比海盗5:死无对证 Movie Script
I-I feel sullied and unusual.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺Movie Script
It is sitting in a cafe and talk with a man .. Seems like a messenger You have told me to let you know on the spot ! If there has been nothing unusual Focused the camera on his face Do you think it? - (I think that all they (Pierce - No, thank you It is a gift you can keep them Thank you Here it is, goodbye - Goodbye - Control your it Well grounded ! Time for action Sir, sir we stop police What did I do? - You're under arrest - Talk about everything in the investigation - Case of this woman? - Why am I under arrest on?
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.
>> 吉米·罗恩(Jim Rohn)
A VERY THICK GROVE OF TREES The trees are unusual in one respect: all of them are extraordinarily heavily knotted.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist... And as he says that, a R.0.U.S. comes flying at him from offscreen.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
HOLD ON THE LIGHTNING SAND -- THEN -- An odd panting sound is heard now. The panting sound is suddenly very loud. And then a giant R.0.U.S. darts into view. The R.0.U.S. -- a Rodent of Unusual Size -- is probably no more than eighty pounds of bone and power. It sniffs around a bit then, as quickly as it has come, it goes.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
He was sorry they were leaving. Sally had been telling him all she planned to do when she grew up. She was going East to school and then planned to play the piano professionally, she said. That seemed unusual to Newt. The only musician he knew was Lippy, and he couldn’t imagine Sally doing what Lippy did. But he enjoyed listening to her talk about her future life.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Pea Eye looked at him, an unhappy expression on his face. It was unusual for Pea to change expressions. Usually he just looked puzzled.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I’d like to see her throw rocks better than Frog can shoot,” Roy Suggs said. “I guess Frog could cool her off.” Frog Lip didn’t say much. He was a black man, but Jake didn’t notice anyone giving him many orders. Little Eddie Suggs cooked the supper, such as it was, while Frog Lip sat idle, not even chopping wood for the fire. The horse he rode was the best in the group, a white gelding. It was unusual to see a bandit who used a white horse, for it made him stand out in a group. Frog Lip evidently didn’t care.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Call began to be very worried about Gus. It was unusual for him to be gone so long with only one man to chase. Of course, Blue Duck might have had a gang waiting, and Gus might have ridden into an ambush. He had not done any serious fighting in years. Even Pea Eye had begun to worry about him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“You’re an unusual fellow, Aus,” he said. “I guess you just work night and day. You should have partnered up with Woodrow Call. He’s as crazy about work as you are. The two of you might own the world by now if you’d hooked up.” Aus Frank didn’t respond. He had emptied the wheelbarrow, and he pushed it up the slope, away from the river.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Late the next day he came into the breaks of the Canadian, a country of shallow, eroded gullys. He could see where the river curved east, across the plains. He rode east for several miles, hoping to cross Blue Duck’s tracks. He didn’t, which convinced him he had guessed wrong in coming so far west. The man had probably gone directly to the Walls and pitched Lorena into the laps of a bunch of buffalo hunters.Before he had time to lament his error, though, Augustus saw a sight which took his mind off it completely. He saw a speck moving across the plains north, toward the river. At first he thought it might be Blue Duck, but if so he was traveling without Lorena—there was only one speck. His horse saw the speck too. Augustus drew his rifle in the case the speck turned out to be hostile. He loped toward it only to discover an old man with a dirty white beard, pushing a wheelbarrow across the plains. The wheelbarrow contained buffalo bones. And as if that wasn’t unusual enough, Augustus found that he even knew the man.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Much obliged,” he said. “I reckon I can’t.” “Well, the job’s open,” Wilbarger said. “We may meet again. I’ve got to lope up to the Red River to see if I think the water’s fresh enough for my stock.” “What’ll you do if it ain’t?” Joe asked. He had never known anyone who just said one unusual thing after another, as Wilbarger did. How could the water in a river not be fresh enough for cows?
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“You’re too late, boys,” he said. “The hands just et me out of breakfast.” “Well, we’ve et,” July said, noticing for the first time a man sitting on a tarp by the ashes of the campfire. The unusual thing about the man was that he was reading a book. His horse, a fine-looking black, was saddled and grazing a few yards away.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, he’s got you to think about,” Augustus said. “That’s more important than you might think. A young man needs a woman to think about.” “I guess he’s free to think all he wants,” Lorena said. “Why’d you stop off, Gus?” “Hoping for a poke,” Augustus said. “What’s it gonna be this time, draw poker?” “No, blackjack,” Lorena said. “I’m luckier at it. What do I get if I win?” Augustus grinned. “I’ll be your whore,” he said. “You can have a poke on demand.” “Why would I want one?” Lorena asked. The notion of a man being a whore amused her a little, it was so unusual.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
That was a surprise. The men seemed to have almost no interest in her. Also, if the fight was over her, it was unusual that the victim had not tried to claim her.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇