
adj. 低劣的;平均的;卑鄙的


I mean, Stinky'd be dead.>>完整场景
What does that mean?>>完整场景
You mean tampons.>>完整场景
I mean, let's think.>>完整场景
I mean, I like it.>>完整场景
No, I mean, it's like analog, you know.>>完整场景
I mean, I don't know.>>完整场景
I mean, one leak and the whole thing's dead.>>完整场景
I mean, how much could it be?>>完整场景
What do you mean?>>完整场景
I mean, did you screw up your real job or something?>>完整场景
No, but I mean, seriously, what are you doing here?>>完整场景
But they're a lot larger. I mean, we'd need more metal to fill the frame.>>完整场景
I mean, no stupid cousin or anything, but it's similar.>>完整场景
I mean, way carsick.>>完整场景
I mean, I meant everybody but me.>>完整场景
I mean, we all have our stuff.>>完整场景
- I don't know what you mean.>>完整场景
I mean, really?>>完整场景
- Okay, you mean... - Get a little more motivation.>>完整场景
Him? You mean, Dr. Cameron?>>完整场景
I mean, that's all stuff that you can learn in the Robotics Club.>>完整场景
I mean, you know this is the desert, right?>>完整场景
I mean, it's not easy.>>完整场景
So, why teaching? I mean, why now?>>完整场景