adv. 虚拟;几乎;实际上;模拟;事实上;差不多;以模拟现实技术
- It has virtually all the features you could want from a modern job queuing system. Including robust concurrency controls, failure retries and alerting, recurring job scheduling, and so much more. In HEY, it replaced no less than 6(!) different Resque gems, as the one integrated solution.
它几乎具备现代作业排队系统所需的所有功能。包括强大的并发控制、故障重试和警报、重复作业调度等等。在HEY中,它取代了不少于6(!)种不同的Resque宝石,成为一个集成解决方案。>> Rails8- Along with the usual sheaf of applicants submitted by Baird, of which virtually, oh, two-thirds are guaranteed admittance, I add one name, somebody who's a standout and yet, underprivileged; a student who cannot afford to pay the board and tuition in Cambridge.>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
- Even then, it was all they could do to throw the bull, and it took Po Campo over two hours to sew the huge flap of skin back in place. When it was necessary to turn the bull from one side to another, it took virtually the whole crew, plus five horses and ropes, to keep him from getting up again. Then, when the bull did roll, he nearly rolled on Needle Nelson, who hated him anyway and didn’t approve of all the doctoring. When the bull nearly rolled on him Needle retreated to the wagon and refused to come near him again. “I was rooting for the bear,” he said. “A bull like that is going to get somebody sooner or later, and it might be me.” The next day the bull was so sore he could barely hobble, and Call feared the doctoring had been in vain. The bull fell so far behind the herd that they decided to leave him. He fell several miles behind in the course of the day. Call kept looking back, expecting to see buzzards in the sky—if the bull finally dropped, they would feast.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Clara had bought the piano with money saved all those years from the sale of her parents’ little business in Texas. She had never let Bob use the money—another bone of contention between them. She wanted it for her children, so when the time came they could be sent away to school and not have to spend their whole youth in such a raw, lonely place. The first of the money she spent was on the two-story frame house they had built three years before, after nearly fifteen years of life in the sod house Bob had dug for her on a slope above the Platte. Clara had always hated the sod house—hated the dirt that seeped down on her bedclothes, year after year. It was dust that caused her firstborn, Jim, to cough virtually from his birth until he died a year later. In the mornings Clara would walk down and wash her hair in the icy waters of the Platte, and yet by supper time, if she happened to scratch her head, her fingernails would fill with dirt that had seeped down during the day. For some reason, no matter where she moved her bed, the roof would trickle dirt right onto it. She tacked muslin, and finally canvas, on the ceiling over the bed but nothing stopped the dirt for long. It sifted through. It seemed to her that all her children had been conceived in dust clouds, dust rising from the bedclothes or sifting down from the ceiling. Centipedes and other bugs loved the roof; day after day they crawled down the walls, to end up in her stewpots or her skillets or the trunks where she stored her clothes.
克拉拉用多年来卖掉父母在得克萨斯州的小生意攒下的钱买了这架钢琴。她从未让鲍勃使用这笔钱——这是他们之间的另一个争论点。她想把它送给她的孩子,这样到时候他们就可以被送去上学,而不必在这样一个原始、孤独的地方度过整个青春。她花的第一笔钱是他们三年前建造的两层框架房子,在鲍勃在普拉特河上方的一个斜坡上为她挖的草皮房子里生活了近十五年。克拉拉一直讨厌那间草皮屋,讨厌年复一年地渗到她床上用品上的污垢。正是灰尘导致她的长子吉姆从出生到一年后去世几乎一直咳嗽。每天早上,克拉拉都会走下来,在普拉特冰冷的水中洗头,但到了晚饭时间,如果她碰巧挠头,她的指甲里就会充满白天渗出的污垢。不知为什么,无论她把床移到哪里,屋顶上的污垢都会直接流到上面。她在床的天花板上钉上了细棉布,最后是帆布,但没有什么能长时间阻挡污垢。它通过筛选。在她看来,她所有的孩子都是在尘埃云中孕育的,尘埃云是从床上用品上升起的,还是从天花板上筛下的。蜈蚣和其他虫子喜欢屋顶;日复一日,它们沿着墙壁爬行,最终落入她的炖锅、煎锅或她存放衣服的箱子里。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- Also, there were still renegade bands of Kiowas and Comanches loose on the plains. The bands were supposedly scattered—at least that was the talk in south Texas—and the trade in captives virtually dead.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- In fact, July felt he had reached a point in his life where virtually nothing was known. He and Joe were on a street in Fort Worth, and that was basically the sum of his knowledge.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Virtually all his life he had been in the position of leading groups of men, yet the truth was he had never liked groups.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Augustus himself took a dim view of the utility of knives, particularly of fancy knives. He carried a plain old clasp in his pocket and used it mainly for cutting his toenails. In the old days, when they all lived mostly off game, he had carried a good skinning knife as a matter of necessity, but he had no regard at all for the knife as a fighting weapon. So far as he was concerned, the invention of the Colt revolver had rendered all other short-range weapons obsolete. It was a minor irritant that he had to spend virtually every night of his life listening to Bol grind his blade away.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- - At virtually no risk.>> 倾城佳话 It Could Happen to You (1994) Movie Script
- The responses quickly MULTIPLY. To the group's dismay, they soon find themselves virtually SURROUNDED by raptor CRIES both distant and near.>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
- Within his family, Bertie's stutter is virtually absent.>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
- There are literally dozens of toxins which are virtually undetectable, both in the human body and on a fabric. The nature of the acidosis is the compelling factor in this issue.>> 好人寥寥 A Few Good Men Movie Script
- Diseases that had been virtually wiped out.>> 再生侠 Spawn Movie Script
- ANCHORMAN (V.O.) (continuing) ...and this almost identical killing two hours ago of a Venice resident with virtually the same name. Sarah Ann Connor, a 24 year old legal secretary, was pronounced dead at the scene in her beachfront apartment... A customer gestures for the bartender's attention.>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
- Cautiously, he opens the door of the cruiser, removes the RIOT GUN, an Ithaca pump model, from the dash rack and slips it under his coat. Cradled in a vertical position, the shortened weapon is virtually invisible.
他小心翼翼地打开巡洋舰的门,从仪表板上取下伊萨卡泵模型RIOT GUN,并将其放在外套下面。这种缩短的武器垂直放置,几乎看不见。>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script- There virtually are no public seeds anymore.>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script
- 69INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- 3RD TIER -- DUSK (1949) 69 Bogs comes up the stairs, smoking a cigarette. Not many cons around; the place is virtually deserted. A VOICE echoes dimly over the P.A. system: VOICE (O.S.) Return to your cellblocks for evening count.
69INT——五号牢房——第三层——尘埃(1949)69博格走上楼梯,抽着烟。周围没有多少缺点;这个地方几乎空无一人。一个声音在P.A.系统上微弱地回响:声音(O.S.)回到你的牢房区进行晚间计数。>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script- The suffragettes were virtually all Republicans.>> 希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script