词汇:creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/

adj. 创造性的


Standing out is the most important thing. AI is going to replace commonality. You got to use your brain. You got to be creative. You got to be inventive. You got to find an another angle in.Don't do the same thing.>>完整场景
It's creative life-or-death!>>完整场景
I run the creative writing program here.>>完整场景
JORDAN (CONT’D) Okay, now that you got that out of your system, I want you to know why Steve is so completely off the f***ing wall... It’s because this man is a creative genius. Steve's power, his gift -- is that he creates trends. Artists like Steve come along once a century!>>完整场景
IRVING ROSENFELD (CONT’D) And how ironic that the most creative minds, the ones who are working hardest to get the economy of New Jersey going, those are the ones that you round up. And why?>>完整场景
An addiction to distraction is the death of your creative production.>>完整场景
And I am aware of your creative efforts... to make sure our visiting gynecologists feel right at home.>>完整场景
Constantly digging into the creative potential of the human mind.>>完整场景
And trust me when I say this, I'm not even being creative.>>完整场景
- Creative problems, huh?>>完整场景
"Your noggin" is colloquial for "your head".
1. : a person's head.
2. : a small mug or cup.
3. : a small quantity (such as a gill) of drink.

The term NOGGIN was always about the head, but normally it was more about you doing something that involved creative thinking. "That's using your NOGGIN."
“你的脑袋”是口语中“你的头”的意思。1.:一个人的头。2.:一个小杯子。3.:少量的饮料(如一鳃)。 很久以前杯子上会写上 noggin, 表示容量 1/4的品脱pint,它很灵活,可以测量任何液体,也可以用于其他用途,比如一个简单的饮水杯,或者一个可以用来吃的鸡蛋杯,无论是鸡肉还是大鹅的鸡蛋。eggnog 蛋奶酒(用啤酒、葡萄酒等和蛋、牛奶搅拌而成);
Get creative!>>完整场景
We're all into-- we're all into the how of it and nobody's stepping back and saying "But why?" I mean, a culture that just views a pig as a pile of protoplasmic inanimate structure to be manipulated by whatever creative design that humans can foist on that critter will probably view individuals within its community and other cultures in the community of nations with the same type of disdain, disrespect and controlling-type mentality.>>完整场景
Ok, the creative types can have their apple, But apple was not really compatible with the rest Of the world.>>完整场景
What corporations had to do, because so many Of their creative types wanted apple, Is they had to have a subheading.>>完整场景