
n. 奶酪;干酪;[美俚]要人


Drop the cheese... and get the keys.>>完整场景
No, not the cheese, the keys.>>完整场景
A giant wheel of cheese?>>完整场景
Since when do you not like macaroni and cheese?>>完整场景
You want to put a big dollop of that tangy red on the dough, then use the cheese to shove it to the edge.>>完整场景
- Salmon mousse, goafs cheese.>>完整场景
No. That's the government cheese.>>完整场景
(on tape) --like needles either. When I was a kid, I had this blood test down -- threw up chill cheese fries all over this male nurse. WE HEAR VINCENT CHUCKLE SOFTLY. THE SOUND OF A DOOR OPENING IS HEARD.>>完整场景

INT. HALL - AFTERNOON Cole walks past two expensively-dressed mothers eating hors d'oeuvres as they move down the hallway. MRS. WESTON Did you have the Brie? MRS. SAUNDERS It tasted like cheese whiz. They pass when Cole moves down the shiny mahogany wood hallway. The women's conversation FADES AWAY behind him. Cole turns a corner and comes to a dead stop. He turns white as he stares at an open CRAWL SPACE CLOSET a few feet away. Cole's eyes are riveted in the darkness of the closet. Beat.THE HALLWAY ERUPTS WITH NOISE AS THE CHILDREN RUN IN FROM THE BACKYARD. Tommy Tammisimo is one of the children. He talks with the birthday boy, DARREN, a skinny kid in a party hat.
The last time was a Chuck E. Cheese party a year ago. He hid in one of those purple plastic tunnels and didn't come out. DARREN'S MOM Chuck E. who?>>完整场景