
adj. 伟大的,重大的;极好的,好的;主要的


In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries, patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil.
>> 62-After the Fire
A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around. Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the desolate hills.
>> 62-After the Fire
A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began.
>> 56-Faster Than Sound!
Comments are longer, usually in print, and interpret and give extra information. They state an opinion and do so in a longer way than a remark. However, comments can be spoken: "Mr. President, would you mind commenting on today's deal with the labor union?" In this case, the president would not say "It's great." I suppose he could, but at the level of president, a comment should be lengthy and should help people understand something. If the president were to respond "It's great" my guess would be people present would laugh, as they would be expecting something of more substance than a throw away remark. So in the above example, the president might speak for a few minutes. Comments would not be statements about what the deal was, but would be his interpretation of what the deal means, implications for the job market, and why he supports or doesn't support it.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
They just didn't have a clue as to the content. The best people ,they are best understand the content, they are a pain in the butt to manage, but you put up with it , because they're so great at the content and that's what makes great products, it's not process, it's content.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
Though, at first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran into serious trouble.
>> 43-Over the South Pole
It’s a great example of the need to occasionally pull a fresh sheet of paper and consider a familiar problem from first principles again. And it turns out, in our new 'NOBUILD' world, the asset pipeline only needs to do two primary things: Provide a load path for assets and stamp them with digests to allow for far-future expiry. That’s basically it. Sprockets did a million other things than that, many of them in a way that had long since fallen out of favor, and from a state of disrepair that had few contributors willing or able to help remedy it.
>> Rails8
As a great many people will be visiting the country, the government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a new Olympic-standard swimming pool.
>> 37-The Olympic Games
The gun jerks back and there's a great roaring noise.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Then the sound of a piano being played with great feeling but a lot of wrong notes.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
EXT. RAILWAY SIDING - DAY A cordon of Jewish policeman and SS guards. Among the great throng of people, the Szpilmans trudge towards the train.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
At once, a sound of great agitation from the Jews in the compound.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Father holds the caramel between thumb and forefinger and examines it carefully. Then, carefully takes out his penknife and with great care divides the caramel into six pans. He hands a part to each of the family.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
EXT. CHLODNA STREET BRIDGE - DAY A great mass of agitated people crossing only one way: from the small ghetto to the large ghetto, carrying their belongings. A German film crew records the scene. The Szpilmans among the crowd, lugging suitcases and bundles, Henryk with a few books, Father carrying his violin case.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. CAFE NOWACZESNA - DAY Szpilman snaps out of his reverie, seeing, across the heads of the customers, Halina, in a state of great anxiety, beckoning urgently.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
(to Szpilman) I'm doing you people a favour. And what about you, Wladek? You're a great pianist. And we've got an excellent police jazz band. They'd welcome you with open arms. Join us. You've got no work...
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
EXT. MARKET AREA, GHETTO - DAY Winter. Cold, freezing day. Slush underfoot. Great activity.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
EXT. STREET LEADING TO GHETTO - DAY AUTUMN A great column of Jews of all ages make their way towards the area that will become the ghetto. On foot, on bicycles, on horse-drawn platforms, some pushing prams loaded with belongings. A great moving mass of humanity.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Here's to Great Britain and France.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
(lighting up a cigarette) Mama, that was a great dinner.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
News has just been received through the BBC that Great Britain, having had no reply... (static) ...and therefore has declared war on Nazi Germany... (a collective gasp) ... next few hours... awaiting latest news... Henryk hits the set.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
The family consist of MOTHER, in a state of great anxiety, FATHER, REGINA, twenty-six, HALINA, twenty-two, and HENRYK, twenty-four, the only one not in movement. He sits by the radio set, ear to the speaker, trying to tune to a station.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Melanie, she's...well. God rest her. She was the only completely kind person I ever knew. Great lady. A very great lady. Though she's dead. That makes it nice for you, doesn't it?
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
(In great anger, Scarlett throws herself to Rhett.
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
(Months passed. The lumber business is a great success. But good times don't last long. Frank Kennedy died in a fight against some tramps, for their insult on Scarlett. Scarlett is very sad.)
>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script