
n. 香烟;纸烟


MARK takes a cigarette from a pack, lights it, takes a drag and blows the smoke out before he says...>>完整场景
INT. A HOLDING ROOM - NIGHT Kaffee and JO are sitting at a table. Dawson and Downey are at parade rest. Kaffee lights a cigarette.>>完整场景
I couldn't stay messy on it, I hadn't had a cigarette in six hours, hadn't eaten, so... abstemious and tidy?>>完整场景
Can you put out that cigarette?>>完整场景
Kramer takes a last drag on his cigarette and tosses it out the window. McCroskey plugs his ears with his fingers and ducks as though Kramer had thrown a grenade. There is an EXPLOSION O.S.>>完整场景
Kramer lights cigarette.>>完整场景
He lights up a cigarette. McCroskey walks toward a table and leans on his hands.>>完整场景
INSERT - LIGHTED SYMBOLS -- cigarette with line slashed through, and couple copulating with line slashed through.>>完整场景
He takes a last drag on his cigarette, passes the butt toUpdegraf to finish and gets in the rear of the L.O.H. asUpdegraf scoots clear.>>完整场景
Put out your cigarette.>>完整场景
We met when I was under the boardwalk smoking a cigarette.>>完整场景
You know, a drag on my cigarette.>>完整场景
Just out of the shower, wearing a long towel around his waist, he smokes a cigarette in his room when the phone rings.>>完整场景
He lights a cigarette and is silent.>>完整场景
When his cigarette is done, he throws some pills in his mouth and has a beer.>>完整场景
10 INT. JOHNNY’S SUITE - NIGHT 10 He smokes a cigarette and waits for something, what to do next. In real time we watch him smoke and wait.>>完整场景
(continuing) Got a cigarette?>>完整场景
(eyeing him) I put a cigarette out in it.>>完整场景
Well, a cigarette song.>>完整场景
I'm going outside for a cigarette.>>完整场景
- Last meal and a cigarette, perhaps?>>完整场景
How many cigarette salesmen?>>完整场景