n. 情感;情绪
- INT. THE PALACE - THE QUEEN MOTHER'S ROOM - NIGHT Anne paces in her room, her hands trembling, her beautiful lips quivering with tortured emotion. With a sudden impulse she bolts from her room, through the outer room where her attendants sit, and into the corridor.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- Her eyes fill with pain, grief, guilt... emotions she hides, turning away.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- Emotion spills up into Athos' throat, and he begins to sob.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- INT. A SMALL HOUSE - DAY ATHOS stands at the dressing table in a modest room; dressed in a dark plain coat, he too is a former Musketeer -- gray haired and handsome, intensely intelligent, with a hard crust of manners masking seas of emotion. He opens a small wooden box and digs through medals of heroism; he finds what he's looking for just as his son RAOUL enters. RAOUL is in his mid-twenties; he wears the uniform of a soldier in the French Army. He is nervous, pacing, looking at every angle in the mirror.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- I have emotions.>> 反物质 Anti Matter Movie Script
- I'm sure this is a tug of war between logic and emotion.>> 枪王之王 Triple Tap Movie Script
- But when I then go on to explain what the impact of one purchase order from Wal-Mart is, in terms of not pounds but tons of pesticide, tons of herbicide, tons of chemical fertilizer, the discussion-- we get away from the emotion and we get down to the facts.>> 食品公司 Food, Inc. Movie Script
- Andy gazes around at the boxes. The riches of the world lay at his feet. His eyes mist with emotion at the sight.>> 肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script
- Then with a face completely devoid of emotion, says in Japanese; THE BRIDE(JAPANESE) Attack me.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- The Bride gets choked up again, emotion betrays her voice.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- HANZO(JAPANESE) "When engaged in combat, the vanquishing of thine enemy can be the warrior's only concern... The Bride repeats this... HANZO(JAPANESE) ...This is the first and cardinal rule of combat... The Bride repeats this... HANZO(JAPANESE) ...Suppress all human emotion and compassion... The Bride repeats this... HANZO(JAPANESE) ...Kill whoever stands in thy way, even if that be Lord God, or Buddha himself... The Bride repeats this... HANZO(JAPANESE) This truth lies at the heart of the art of combat. Once it is mastered... Thou shall fear no one... Though the devil himself may bar thy way... The Bride repeats this... Her eyes look at the greatest maker of swords on this earth and says;>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- When the bathroom door opens, the woman that emerges, has closed out all of her emotions...save from one...revenge.>> 杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script
- INT. HOTEL ROOM -- NIGHT As he enters, Getty is overcome with emotion.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- Gail's voice is tense with emotion, but she remains poised.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- INT. GAIL'S APARTMENT -- DAY Gail watches Getty on TV. His eyes are devoid of emotion.>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
- A tremor of emotion in Getty's eyes. Then it's gone.
盖蒂眼中闪过一丝激动。然后它就消失了。>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script- Like when you blink your eyes over and over and over again all you really see are, like, frames. It was emotion.>> Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script
- You cannot take that level of emotion into the Drift.>> Pacific Rim 环太平洋 Movie Script
- I didn't leave you. Beat. She becomes silent. Anna falls back into deep sleep, her arm slides down. SOMETHING SHINY FALLS OUT AND ROLLS ON THE GROUND. Malcolm's eyes watch as it comes to a stop... Beat. He gazes curiously at a GOLD WEDDING BAND laying on the wood floor.Confusion washes over his face. He looks to Anna's hand... An identical gold wedding ring sits on her finger. Beat. Malcolm looks down at his own hand... HIS WEDDING RING IS GONE. Malcolm is completely lost. He takes a couple steps back. Looks around in confusion... His eyes come to rest on the door to his basement office. He looks in disbelief at the set of DEAD BOLT LOCKS on the door. Malcolm doesn't know what the hell's going on... His eyes are drawn to the dining table... Only ONE PLACE SETTING is out on the tabletop. His eyes search again -- they finally lock on the WEDDING VIDEO PLAYING. Malcolm watches images of himself on the screen... His eyes fill with a storm of emotions... Malcolm looks to Anna's face and becomes very still. Beat. CLOSE ON ANNA... TILL HER SLEEPING FACE FILLS THE FRAME... IT'S NOW WE NOTICE FOR THE FIRST TIME, THAT ANNA'S BREATHS ARE FORMING TINY CLOUDS IN THE COLD AIR.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
- (soft) See you tomorrow. Malcolm's face shows his losing battle against his emotions. He doesn't turn to look back.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
- Soon. One week. Malcolm looks down at his eyes full with emotion.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
- Yeah. Sorry. Malcolm's face is filled with emotion. Cole is suddenly hit by Malcolm's passion. Beat. Cole nods slowly as he looks at Malcolm with different eyes. They start walking again in silence. They turn a corner and move down another street. Cole spots an old man with a cane standing at the gate of a brownstone.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
- But you're not. You're somewhere else. (a moment) You're someone else -- Joe is struggling with a response, finally, inevitably, he drifts into a long silence. Susan is beside herself, her emotions tossed in every direction, Joe steadies her.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- And now you're all grown up -- and I'm - uh - um -- Parrish struggles to keep his emotions in check, Drew clocking his behavior very carefully. PARRISH (cont'd) I had some words all prepared but now I've forgotten them - uh - um - wait a minute. Silence, everyone waiting for Parrish to proceed. PARRISH (cont'd) Uh, it's gone...um -- it was on the tip of my tongue.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script
- ...I'm here, aren't I? Wouldn't miss a loose end meeting. What's on the table for discussion? Party favors, flowers -- hi Dad, hi Drew -- She kisses Drew in some light, humorous way they have ob- viously done before, their heads bobbing like plastic water toys and their lips meeting mid-air.At the kiss's conclusion Susan suddenly notices Joe is present and has been watching. She is shocked, embarrassed, pleased, conflicted, an instant and wide spectrum of emotions. SUSAN (cont'd) What are you doing here? Silence.>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script