
vi. 尖叫;发出尖锐刺耳的声音;呼啸;令人触目惊心


251 EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT251 C.U. - SARAH - She chokes on a scream, crams knuckles in her mouth.>>完整场景
Reese whirls reflexively at a SCREAM behind him. The mylar balloon bursts in his tense hands. A teenage girl is being doused with water by the boys with plastic jugs.>>完整场景
The Buick slams into the black-and-white, spinning it into a parked truck. TIRES SCREAM as the two cars slew around heading for the exit.>>完整场景
SEVERAL ANGLES as patrons of the bar run, scream or dive for cover, depending upon their level of intelligence.>>完整场景
Ginger doesn't know whether to laugh of scream at the near-misses.>>完整场景
The rain washes a fine coating of white ash from his skin as electrical ARCS lace back and forth between the fire escapes behind him, HISSING and SPUTTERING. The sound fades, then stops altogether, to be replaced by a rising scream of animal agony.>>完整场景
During sex, Vanessa used to scream out her own name.>>完整场景
I really wish you could hear her scream.>>完整场景
D'Artagnan gives Phillippe a dagger. They look at each other. Then d'Artagnan begins to scream. The others take up the shout. Then they step around the corner, and charge.>>完整场景
Then he hears the sound, like a SCREAM, but short and muffled, almost like the whelp of a kicked dog. He lifts his head sharply; where did that sound come from? He is almost too tired, too sad, to investigate.>>完整场景
EXT. MANOR HOUSE - NIGHT Aramis and Athos rush through the courtyard, surrounded by moonlight and trees, confused about where Porthos is. Then they hear bellowing SCREAM OF PAIN from the latrine.>>完整场景
They are interrupted by Porthos' bloodcurdling SCREAM.>>完整场景
Aramis has a blacksmith waiting; almost before he realizes it the Man in the Iron Mask finds his head placed on an anvil; but as the hammer rises he begins to scream.>>完整场景
Party guests, having heard Michelle scream, are running in to find them. Michelle rushes off, to find Raoul; several people are coming up.>>完整场景
From the BLACKNESS before the first images, we hear a young woman's tortured SCREAM, muffled by her own will. We see her mouth, open in agony; her face, beaded with sweat. Her name is ANNE, and she is Queen of France. She lies in A ROYAL BEDCHAMBER The royal DOCTOR kneels at the foot of her bed; her own royal mother grips her hands... On the opposite side of the huge bedchamber, and separated from the queen's bed by an artistically painted screen, are royal ADVISORS sweating and anxious for any word to take to their king. They wince as the Queen moans again in the pain of childbirth.>>完整场景
They scream like girls, your friends.>>完整场景
They know I'm involved, I'm finished! Who the f*** would scream 'I'm with you' at the robbers?>>完整场景
To whiten my hair, a scream of fright.>>完整场景
Kat’s SCREAM CRESCENDOS as Sator GRABS her and pushes her up against the glass, PULLS HIS TRIGGER, ‘HEALING’ her wound – One... Wait! SATOR (CONT'D)>>完整场景
Touch me, I scream so loud he hears.>>完整场景
(between breaths) INT. COCKPIT, TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Mahir forces the Pilots from their seats – EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS The INFLATABLE SLIDE BURSTS OPEN, DRAGGING on the asphalt, as the Pilots roll onto it, SCRAMBLING DOWN to the ground, ROLLING AWAY from the giant plane... INT. COCKPIT, TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Mahir TURNS the stick HARD LEFT, AIMING AT THE REAR WALL OF THE FREEPORT – INT. TRANSPORT PLANE – CONTINUOUS Rohan lowers a ladder behind the forward landing gear – he and Mahir climb down – EXT. TAXIWAY, OSLO AIRPORT – CONTINUOUS Mahir and Rohan jump down onto the asphalt, racing back between the wheels as the giant plane SMASHES INTO THE BRICK WALL OF THE FREEPORT, ERUPTING IN A MASSIVE EXPLOSION... INT. VAULTS, FREEPORT – CONTINUOUS The vault is ROCKED by the explosion – ALARMS SCREAM – DOORS START CLOSING – Neil looks, panicked, at the Staff Member –>>完整场景
Dying homeless people scream in the fire.>>完整场景
People SCREAM.>>完整场景
INT. BRUCE WAYNE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Awoken from his NIGHTMARE by the sound of his own scream, disoriented, BRUCE goes to the sink and SPLASHES cold water in his face.>>完整场景