
adj. 戏剧的;引人注目的;激动人心的


VIEW ON THE STAGE The actress, object of Genco's affection, makes a dramatic exit.>>完整场景
In dramatic testimony, Yvonne Biasi was depicted - - as a gold-digging nymphomaniac.>>完整场景
He's just being dramatic.>>完整场景
It's very touching, very dramatic.>>完整场景
All this has some dramatic music - - da dum da dum da dum dum - - march or something, it's not written yet, and the tour moves on - - He throws a switch and safety bars appear out of nowhere and drop over their seats, CLICKING into place.>>完整场景
I'm sorry for the dramatic entrance, but I'm in a hurry.>>完整场景
China. Japan. The Kremlin. The White House. Hitler's mountain top wolf den. The South of France (where David and Wallis listen dolefully.) During this, the address continues, with dramatic pauses to be sure, but no real hesitations.>>完整场景
She turns to face him. A dramatic moment. Striker enters pilot seat and takes mike from Elaine's hand.>>完整场景
INT. COCKPIT - NIGHT Sudden dramatic MUSIC. The cockpit shakes. Engine number three is flaming out.>>完整场景
[sustained dramatic note] [newscaster] The reaction was one of astonishment and concern.>>完整场景
Watching the sun set on this amazing scenery, one can only reflect on the dramatic impact a new government project to build a major commercial highway through the Serengeti would have on this world heritage site.>>完整场景
I cant ignore such a dramatic event, but no, thats not by any means my focus.>>完整场景
Well, that part is a little dramatic.>>完整场景
Not from the air, don’t be so dramatic. I want to run a jet off the taxiway, breach the rear wall, start a fire.>>完整场景
Bill continues his dramatic narration;>>完整场景
But then while pretending to be dead, he speaks in a dramatic narrator's voice.>>完整场景

INT. KITCHEN - AFTERNOON Cole sits alone in the corner of the living room. The open kitchen doorway is next to him. Inside the kitchen are Lynn and DARREN'S MOM speaking. It's clear they're from different worlds. Lynn is wearing tight clothes with hair teased to dramatic heights. Darren's mom is in a designer suit.
April or March of Eighty-seven. Two weeks into sessions with Vincent Gray. I was treating a couple, Donald and Robin Wagner, who had lost their child to Leukemia. They were waiting with Vincent in the reception room of the downtown clinic. They were alone together maybe fifteen minutes. When I entered the room, all three were crying. The Wagner's progress from that afternoon was dramatic and sudden .... As if some door had been opened for them. (beat) I'm not at all clear what happened in those fifteen minutes. But I now believe Vincent tried to tell me something, show me something and I didn't listen. (beat) Cole Sear allowed me to witness something today. (beat) This time I'm going to listen.A long silence. CLICK. The tape recorder turns off.>>完整场景