
adj. 大的;重要的;量大的


Like they shoulda stopped Hitler at Munich, they shoulda never let him get away with that, they were just asking for big trouble...>>完整场景
He's definitely on Sollozzo's payroll, and for big money.>>完整场景
Rocco, sit on the other side. A big guy like you blocks my rearview mirror.>>完整场景
(lifting his hands in an expression of harmlessness) Good...then you can go... (he escorts him to the door) I don't like violence. I'm a businessman, and blood is a big expense.>>完整场景
MICHAEL (O.S.) We'll have a quiet, civil ceremony at the City Hall, no big fuss, no family, just a couple of friends as witnesses.>>完整场景
Genco will wait for me. Santino, tell your brothers they will come with me to the hospital to see Genco. Tell Fredo to drive the big car, and ask Johnny to come with us.>>完整场景
You look terrible. I want you to eat well, to rest. And spend time with your family. And then, at the end of the month, this big shot will give you the part you want.>>完整场景
SANDRA and the WOMEN are in the middle of a big, ribald laugh.>>完整场景
He mops his sweating forehead with a big handkerchief.>>完整场景
You guys are in the big leagues, okay, so hold your heads up.>>完整场景
Yeah, come here, big guy. Come on.>>完整场景
It wasn't anything big, I swear, it's just... Just what?>>完整场景
It's not a big deal.>>完整场景
Right, it's not a big deal.>>完整场景
It's not gonna interfere with Santa Barbara, so what's the big deal?>>完整场景
Hot shot. Think you're a big man?>>完整场景
It's not a big thing.>>完整场景
Tomorrow you got a big day.>>完整场景
Yo, big guy. Coach wants to see you.>>完整场景
There's a crowd standing around Big Ben.>>完整场景
You're a big, fat phony, and you know what?>>完整场景
- I know! It's, like, not a big deal.>>完整场景
My teeth feel so big in my mouth right now.>>完整场景
And they're such big hypocrites, they think it's true.>>完整场景
lt was as big as that.>>完整场景