
vt. 开始


Not only does it slows Billy's descent, but he even manages to catch an updraft and begin to rise.>>完整场景
They begin to jump at him, eventually, hopping up on each other’s backs. It's only a matter of time till they reach him.>>完整场景
As the group walks down the ramp and onto the floor, they begin to absorb the incredible array of technology: enormous cryonic freezer, their plug pulled years ago; empty incubators; tanks of formaldehyde with dinosaur fetuses and body parts.>>完整场景
Grant and Billy exchange a dubious look, than begin pulling the parasail out of the tree. As they do so, the sail gets caught on a branch.>>完整场景
Look, son, I can't even begin to tell you how proud of you I've been these past weeks.>>完整场景
During this, Bertie's hands begin to shake, the pages of his speech rattle like dry leaves, his throat muscles constrict, the Adam's apple bulges, his lips tighten...all the old symptoms reappear.>>完整场景
Bertie looks at the pages, his throat constricts, his chest tightens and his hands begin to shake.>>完整场景
What we don't talk about is that there's hundreds of billions of dollars that we can't even begin to touch.>>完整场景
Dream big. Start small. Begin now.>>完整场景
EXT. CEMETERY / GRAVESIDE - DAY As the service gets ready to begin, Will guides his mother to a seat near the grave.>>完整场景
ON EDWARD, waiting for Will to begin.>>完整场景
The two men begin to SCUFFLE.>>完整场景
# We'll go a glance at a time # A small advance at a time # We'll be afraid a bit and shy a bit # Avoid each other's eye a bit less often each day # The ice'll soften each day # As we get closer and closer and closer # We'll go a blush at a time # A happy flush at a time # Begin to laugh a bit and stare a bit # And walk around on air a bit # As gaily we grow As night and daily we grow # A little closer and closer and closer # And then one day # There'll come a day # A Christmas Eve # Midsummer Day # A moment when right there and then # We're gonna touch # Then we'll jump miles at a time # A million smiles at a time # Begin to love a lot and live a lot # And give and give and give a lot # Away we will go And every day we will grow # A little closer and closer and closer # And closer and closer and closer # And closer and closer all the time # And then one day # There'll come a day # A Christmas Eve # Midsummer Day # A moment when right there and then # We're gonna touch # Begin to laugh a bit and stare a bit And walk around on air a bit # As gaily we grow As night and daily we grow # A little closer and closer and closer # Away we will go And every day we will grow - # A little closer - # And closer - # And closer - # And closer # And closer and closer and closer # And closer all the time # After I tamed him, we stayed together for quite a while.>>完整场景
We see a small trickle of blood from CAMERON's left hand begin to stream down his arm.>>完整场景
You're also charged with being in violation of the university's policy on distribution of digitized images. Before we begin with our questioning you're allowed to make a statement. Would you like to do so?>>完整场景
Unfortunately, Harvard doesn't keep a public centralized facebook so I'm going to have to get all the images from the individual houses that people are in. Let the hacking begin.>>完整场景
DAWSON and DOWNEY walk to the SERGEANT AT ARMS and begin to follow him up the aisle and out of the courtroom. But before they get to the door, KAFFEE turns around and calls>>完整场景
INT. COURTHOUSE CORRIDOR - DAY The day's session is going to begin in a few minutes. KAFFEE comes around the corner and runs into Jo.>>完整场景
I knew your son vaguely, which is to say I knew his name... And while we continue to HEAR Markinson's voice writing the letter, we begin a SERIES OF SHOTS: MARKINSON is getting into his class A dress uniform, complete with medals, side arm, and military dress sabre.>>完整场景
How long does it take for the muscles and other cells to begin burning oxygen instead of sugar?>>完整场景
They woke him up, tied his arms and legs with rope, and forced a rag into his throat. A few minutes later, a chemical reaction in Santiago's body called lactic acidosis caused his lungs to begin bleeding. He drowned in his own blood and was pronounced dead at 32 minutes past midnight. These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed. That's right. The story I just told you is the exact same story you're going to hear from Corporal Dawson, and it's the exact same story you're going to hear from Private Downey. Furthermore, the Government will also demonstrate that the defendants soaked the rag with poison, and entered Santiago's room with motive and intent to kill.>>完整场景
HOWARD, a marine corporal, is waiting by the stairway as the passengers begin to got off. Mostly MARINES, a few SAILORS, a couple of CIVILIANS, and KAFFEE, JO and SAM. KAFFEE and SAM are wearing their summer whites, JO is in khakis.>>完整场景
Small beams of light coming from lamps attached to the tower cut through the ground mist. We HEAR all the unidentifiable sounds of night in the woods. We also HEAR, very, very faintly, a slow, deliberate drum cadence. And as this starts, we begin to MOVE SLOWLY UP THE TOWER, more becomes visible>>完整场景
That word doesn't even begin to describe what you are to me.>>完整场景
The Lord of Darkness, Malebolgia, has sent a lieutenant to recruit men who will help destroy the world in exchange for wealth and power and provide enough souls to complete his army and allow Armageddon to begin.>>完整场景