
adj. 沉默的;寂静的;无记载的


But Danny is silent, his eyes drifting shut, and in that moment Rafe thinks he is gone already. Then Danny's eyes drift open, finding him.>>完整场景
The mess hall has been converted to a silent morgue, with bodies on every table.>>完整场景
And though the bombs are blasting and guns booming everywhere, the world goes silent for Evelyn.>>完整场景
EXT. PEARL HARBOR - DAY QUICK INTERCUTS - Between the approach of the Japanese planes, and sleepy Pearl Harbor... -- The planes, in formation, their propellers spinning, their engines throbbing... -- Pearl Harbor, with the ships silent, their engines cold, their anchors steady on the harbor bottom.>>完整场景
He is silent, though raging -- then, with all his passion, and his strength, he raises his arms, and strikes her across her neck, literally knocking her down to the floor, and hurting her badly.>>完整场景
EXT. GARISH HAVANA STREET - NIGHT The street is lit with tons of neon signs; it is alive with people; some roving bands of musicians. Everywhere are little boys running around, begging for money. And in doorways and windows are silent, dark-skinned women.>>完整场景
PENTANGELI'S VIEW The strange and silent Bussetta, the man who now always travels with Michael.>>完整场景
He returns home; where his young wife, CARMELLA, goes through the silent ritual of preparing a simple meal for him.>>完整场景
EXT. THE TAHOE ESTATE - NIGHT The waltz continues over the VIEW of the empty, but still illuminated pavilion. There is the debris of the great party spread over the grounds, which a silent crew of workmen are at work cleaning up, MED. VIEW Michael walks alone, followed by two of the family dogs, Irish Setters.>>完整场景
He gathers up some of his papers, as the three men remain silent, waiting for him to go before they talk. It's clear Tom doesn't want to be excluded.>>完整场景
Michael is silent. Then he rises, and moves to the window overlooking the lake.>>完整场景
Then he turns, and sits in the corner. He is silent for a long time.>>完整场景
MICHAEL, CALO and FABRIZZIO are silent as they watch this Fantasy-like scene.>>完整场景
DON'S LIVING ROOM (SPRING 1946) View on HAGEN's ashen face in the living room. He is silent a moment, and then:>>完整场景
All is silent. The WOMEN and CHILDREN, dressed in Sunday clothes, wait.>>完整场景
MICHAEL is petrified; quickly he takes each edition, drops a dollar in the tray, and hungrily reads through them. KAY knows to remain silent.>>完整场景
The DON is silent, stern.>>完整场景
The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized - never knowing.>>完整场景
THE CROWD: suddenly going to its knees, wave after wave of silent KNEELING PEOPLE. All of them down.>>完整场景
Buttercup stays silent.>>完整场景
BUTTERCUP: still close to the boat, switching from a crawl to a silent breast stroke. The wind dies and as it does, something new is heard. A not-too-distant high-pitched shrieking sound.>>完整场景
“Nothing, Betsey,” Clara said. “Just a crazy woman talking to herself.” “Martin acts like he’s got a stomach-ache,” Betsey complained. “You didn’t have to look so mean at him, Ma.” Clara turned for a moment. “I won’t have him spitting out food,” she said. “The reason men are awful is because some woman has spoiled them. Martin’s going to learn manners if he learns nothing else.” “I don’t think men are awful,” Betsey said. “Dish ain’t.” “Let me be, Betsey,” Clara said. “Put Martin to bed.” She opened the letter—just a few words in a scrawling hand: Dear Clara—I would be obliged if you’d look after Lorie. I fear she’ll take this hard.I’m down to one leg now and this life is fading fast, so I can’t say more. Good luck to you and your gals, I hope you do well with the horses.Gus Clara went out on her porch and sat, twisting her hands, for an hour. She could see that the men were below, still smoking, but they were silent. It’s too much death, she thought. Why does it keep coming to me?>>完整场景
After supper the men went out of the house to smoke, all glad to escape the company of the silent woman. Even Betsey and Sally, accustomed to chattering through supper, competing for the men’s attention, were subdued by their mother’s silence, and merely attended to serving.>>完整场景
“It is so,” Clara said. “You’re more beautiful and less bossy. When I told Gus I was marrying Bob, all those years ago, he looked relieved. He tried to act disappointed, but he was relieved. I’ve never forgot it. And he had proposed to me thirty times at least. But he saw it would be a struggle if he won me, and he didn’t want it.” Clara was silent for a moment, looking into the other woman’s eyes.>>完整场景
Lorena was silent. Of course Gus had. She wondered if Clara would ask her to leave, knowing what she had been.>>完整场景