
n. 解决,处理;殖民;结算;沉降


She never explained who Bill was, but Roscoe let it go. He decided to put off deciding what to do about her for at least a day. His wasp stings were paining him and he didn’t feel he could make a competent decision when he could only see out of one eye. Maybe they would hit a settlement and he could find some nice family who needed help. They might take her off his hands.>>完整场景
When he started out, he supposed that the easiest way to find Texas would be just to ask the settlers he encountered, but the settlers proved a remarkably ignorant lot. Most of them seemed never to have been more than a few hundred feet from the place they happened to be settled. Many were unable to give directions to the next settlement, much less to a place as remote as Texas. Some were able to point in the general direction of Texas, but after riding a few miles, dodging thickets and looking for suitable crossings on the many creeks, Roscoe could not be sure he was still proceeding in that direction.>>完整场景
You said we'd get a settlement.>>完整场景
MARK is still waiting... Eduardo Saverin received an unknown Gash settlement. His name has been restored to the Facebook masthead as a founder.>>完整场景
Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss received a settlement of 65 million dollars and signed a non-disclosure agreement, They rowed for the U.S. Olympic Team in Beijing and placed sixth.>>完整场景
Sy and the rest of them are at the Palm having a steak. Then they'll come back, up to the office and start working on a settlement agreement to present to you.>>完整场景
We calculated the money Ms Getty could have expected in her settlement.>>完整场景
Nothing. You pay nothing. No settlement, no alimony, no communityproperty, no child support, nothing.>>完整场景
Mandatory retirement upon our Chairman's sixty-fifth birthday. Parrish is expressionless. DREW (cont'd) At which time, the Chairman will be named Emeritus, he will be welcome to attend all meetings, and will serve as International Spokesman for the corporation plus, of course, a settlement, a golden parachute of such magnitude that his feet will never touch the ground. Drew pauses. DREW (cont'd) Please indicate your vote by a "Yes" or "No". A "Yes" is heard, now another "Yes", now more "Yes"es, all reluctant, "No" from Sloane, "No" from Quince who realizes he is the instrument of Parrish's dismissal. DREW (cont'd) The motion is passed. We will of course delay the announcement, out of respect for our former Chairman, until after the celebration of his birthday this weekend.>>完整场景