
vt. 放弃(信念);(不顾责任、义务等)离弃,遗弃,抛弃;(不得已而)舍弃,丢弃,离开;停止(支持或帮助);中止;陷入,沉湎于(某种情感) n. 放任;放纵 来源: ban 公告的禁止的内容,abandon,因禁止而放弃做,banish驱逐,bandit强盗,banal过时的


The party won't abandon you!>>完整场景
Buddy here just announced to the whole of Afghanistan that we are about to abandon it!>>完整场景
...Sir - No, it went too far in the matter - . I know him He would not abandon them now "We have to engage them" permission engaged, sir?>>完整场景
To never abandon hope.>>完整场景
Call let them rest three hours and then told them to get their best mounts. Some of the cattle were so weak the cowboys had to dismount, pull their tails and shout at them to get them up. Call knew that if they didn’t make it on the next push, they would have to abandon the cattle in order to save the horses. Even after their rest, many of the cattle had their tongues hanging out. They were mulish, reluctant to move, but after much effort on the part of the exhausted men, the drive was started again.>>完整场景
In the present case he had found two destitute travelers and a herd of recently stolen horses. But it was still four hours till sunup and he was reluctant to abandon his original ambition, which was to return with a hundred Mexican horses. It was still possible, if he acted decisively.>>完整场景
I hired, kind of dirt bag friends, poor climbers and surfers and stuff, and every time the surf come up, we'd all abandon the shop and go surfing.>>完整场景
I'm your daughter full time. You can't abandon me whenever opportunity knocks.>>完整场景
Only the Germans have it, it comes from the north, not creeping in from the south We Germans can abandon ourselves to life, because we have heart and soul - The Jew pig attacked me - Get a grip on yourself!>>完整场景
(interrupts) Thank you! Don't abandon your day job.>>完整场景
No, what's best is what you taught me: You never abandon your wingman.>>完整场景
You killed them for the sake of a country... you now choose to abandon.>>完整场景
She abandoned you on that kibbutz. She didn't abandon me.>>完整场景
Officials seem to have decided to abandon their plans... when the leader of the fedayeen came out of the building... and demanded they call off the siege... pointing out that the entire operation... was being watched on a television set... within the apartment.>>完整场景
Do we abandon finally the search for truths that seem ever more elusive, even silly to some?>>完整场景