
n. 存在,实在;生存,生活;存在物,实在物


lf we'd known of his existence, we wouldn't have backed Joey.>>完整场景
And as FEZZIK nursed his inebriated friend back to health, he told Inigo of Vizzini's death and the existence of Count Rugen, the sixfingered man. Considering Inigo's lifelong search, he handled the news surprisingly well.>>完整场景
Besides, Bob wasn’t really alive, even then—his eyes never flickered. It was only reflex that enabled him to swallow the soup she fed him. That his rod still seemed to live when she bathed him, that, too, was reflex, an obscene joke that life was playing on the two of them. It raised no feelings of tenderness in her, just a feeling of disgust at the cruelties of existence. It seemed to mock her, to make her feel that she was cheating Bob of something, though it was not easy to say what. She had married him, followed him, fed him, worked beside him, borne his children—and yet even as she changed his sheets she felt there was a selfishness in her that she had never mastered. Something had been held back—what it was, considering all that she had done, was hard to say. But she felt it anyway, fair judgment or not, and lay awake on her cot through half the night, tense with self-reproach.>>完整场景
As they rode out of town the widow Cole was hanging out her washing. Hot as the sun was, it seemed to Augustus it would be dry before she got it on the line. She kept a few goats, one of which was nibbling on the rope handle of her laundry basket. She was an imposing woman, and he felt a pang of regret that he and she had not got on better, but the truth was they fell straight into argument even if they only happened to meet in the street. Probably her husband, Joe Cole, had bored her for twenty years, leaving her with a taste for argument. He himself enjoyed argument, but not with a woman who had been bored all her life. It could lead to a strenuous existence.As they passed out of town, Lippy suddenly turned sentimental. Under the blazing sun the town looked white—the only things active in it were the widow and her goats. There were only about ten buildings, hardly enough to make a town, but Lippy got sentimental anyway. He remembered when there had been another saloon, one that kept five Mexican whores.>>完整场景
It was that assignment that brought them to Lonesome Dove. After the war, the cattle market came into existence and all the big landowners in south Texas began to make up herds and trail them north, to the Kansas railheads. Once cattle became the game and the brush country filled up with cowboys and cattle traders, he and Call finally stopped rangering.>>完整场景
Lippy began to feel unhappy about the fact that Xavier had thrown his hat out the door. Augustus’s mention of the pigs put the whole matter in a more ominous light. After all, the pigs might come along and eat the hat, which was one of the solidest comforts in his meager existence. He would have liked to go and retrieve the hat before the pigs came along, but he knew that it wasn’t really wise to provoke Xavier unduly when he was in a bad mood anyway. He couldn’t see out the back door because the bar was in the way—for all he knew the hat might already be gone.>>完整场景
We don't conceive of sudden, radical, irrational change as woven into the very fabric of existence.>>完整场景
Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?>>完整场景
The very existence of this park is predicated on our ability to handle incidents like this.>>完整场景
I know:
That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives.>>完整场景
You're wishing I'd blow my brains out, but my existence shouldn't make you this upset. What is it?>>完整场景
Wait, l thought there were only three Talons in existence.>>完整场景
So, aliens have just been setting us up over the years, creating this happy little make-believe existence... with their E.T.>>完整场景
Yes, but... his external existence in no way compared... to the internal agony of the loneliness he felt.>>完整场景
You want to discuss, come back to existence.>>完整场景
As the military members of your committee know, we have a points system that takes into account collateral damage to deduce what is, and what is not, a legal strike. And let me tell you, categorically, that the existence of this new circumstance does not push us beyond a legitimate military action. We are way off what we would consider a dispute in this matter.>>完整场景
The FLASHBACK moves to the palace, matching the narration -- ARAMIS' VOICE On his death bed, he revealed your existence to Louis and your mother.>>完整场景
Blocked by the advisors, d'Artagnan leaves them, turning down one hallway, and then another; he reaches the Hall of Mirrors and touches the golden frame of one mirror at its corner; the mirror becomes a door, revealing a secret passage within the walls. D'Artagnan steps through and the portal closes again, leaving no trace of its existence.>>完整场景
It happened that the rooster lived with three dogs, a German Shepherd and two mutts. The dogs barked through their existence. They barked at everything in sight. I finally concluded that rooster thought it was a dog. Somehow, I didn't mind the dogs barking. But when a rooster barks, that's murder.>>完整场景
But the needs of the local population that grew from 10 million to almost 50 million today and is projected to double over the next 40 years will make it hard to justify the existence of such vast protected areas.>>完整场景
5.In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable。>>完整场景
We’re coming in on the shock wave... hang on, people! – Neil GRABS his belts as WHUMMMMM!!!! The container SHUDDERS – EXT. HYPOCENTRE RIDGE, STALSK-12 – CONTINUOUS The SHOCK WAVE CONTRACTS – the Chinook ‘SURFING’ backwards in on the shock as it approaches the hypocentre... ENERGY BUILDING... GROUND LIFTING AND FLATTENING... EXT. LZ, STALSK-12 – DAY The Protagonist joins a unit of Red team soldiers who CHARGE an antiaircraft emplacement TAKING IT OUT BEFORE IT CAN FIRE ON THE SLOW-MOVING CHINOOKS... The Protagonist uses his assault rifle to take out a gunemplacement. Ives uses an inverse grenade to violently ‘reassemble’ an enemy gun emplacement out of existence, shredding the enemy with reverse shrapnel...>>完整场景
Maybe fun is just fragments of existence with better packaging.>>完整场景
Because that would've required me to acknowledge your existence.>>完整场景
[man] ''The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation, until at last there sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan... [horse whinnies] ...to rid themselves, by fair means or foul, of the intolerable burden of government sustained by the votes of ignorant Negroes. '' [Swain] Wilson authorized members of his cabinet to reverse and resist integration with blacks.>>完整场景