vt. 排列;安排;整理
- I can arrange it for you if you like.>> 13. Evening and Free Day Activities
- Where you wanna sit, Frank, or you gonna arrange yourself at the head again ?>> 闻香识女人Scent of a Woman 1992 Movie Script
- Arrange a meeting.>> The Godfather: Part III 教父 3 1990 Movie Script
- We can see the outline of many toys on the shelves built along the wall. We see the dark figure of Michael Corleone enter the room and approach the bed where his son Anthony lies curled in messy blankets. Michael quietly arranges his small hands and feet and covers the little boy. Suddenly, Anthony turns, his eyes open. He is staring, perfectly awake, at his father.>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
- (nods) I can arrange security.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- Barzini wants to arrange a meeting.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- CLEMENZA whispers into the ear of LAMPONE. LAMPONE immediately arranges for the members of the Five New York Families to pay their respects.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- He will get in touch with you through someone you absolutely trust. That person will arrange a meeting, guarantee your safety... He rises, and looks at Michael...>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- (pause) Consigliere, arrange a meeting with the heads of the five families...this war stops now.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- GENCO is a tiny, wasted skeleton of a man. DON CORLEONE takes his bony hand, as the others arrange themselves around his bed, each clasping the other hand in turn.>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
- HUMPERDINCK: Tyrone, you know how much I love watching you work. But, I've got my country's five hundredth anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, My wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it. I'm swamped.>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
- “Look at them,” Augustus said happily. “Ain’t they swimmers?”AS THE DAYS PASSED, Lorena found she liked the traveling more and more. The nights were no easier—almost every night the lightning flickered and thunderstorms rolled over them. Often, while she and Jake slept, big drops of rain would hit them in the face and force them to grab for the tarp. Soon the blankets seemed permanently damp, causing Jake to grumble and complain. But the tarp was hot and stiff, and he himself never thought to keep it handy. She would have to stumble around and arrange it in the dark, while Jake cussed the weather.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Our wives arrange good burial After all, dear cousin has given his life for Fatherland and Fuhrer May I get the gentlemen anything else?>> 布达佩斯之恋Gloomy Sunday AKA The Piano Player) Movie Script
- CARMINE POLITO: Maybe it's a dumb question, but I was just wondering -- I would like to arrange for the Sheik to see Camden. To see the people of Camden. The people I serve. The people I love. Who are mostly black and Puerto Rican. I really want him to see how good this is going to be for the community, how ready we are for this opportunity, and he can see how far his dollar will go.>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script
- I'll arrange for your transfer right after we've run this last operation.>> 再生侠 Spawn Movie Script
- But, you know, you are a beautiful woman, and I know somebody at McLaren who likes you very much, and I can arrange it.>> Senna Movie Script
- Can we help arrange hotel accommodations or a rent-a-car during your stay in Chicago?>> 飞机 Airplane! Movie Script
- I tell you what, Joey. I'll talk to the Captain and see what I can arrange.>> 飞机 Airplane! Movie Script
- We must arrange for your knighthood immediateIy.>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script
- -We wiII arrange for your knighthood.>> 伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script
- We could arrange a safe haven for you and a few others.>> 巴比伦5:开端 Babylon 5: In the Beginning Movie Script
- Through the Narns, we can arrange a meeting in neutral territory.>> 巴比伦5:开端 Babylon 5: In the Beginning Movie Script
- ARAMIS' VOICE I was summoned to the royal apartments. Arrange a carriage, they told me, and wait by the door of the stables.>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
- I can arrange for a safe environment for you tonight, if you want.>> The Mask Movie Script
- Or we shouId caII the IRS... and arrange a vacation for you at CIub Fed?>> The Mask Movie Script