
adj. 种族的;人种的


777. The contaminated vital vitamin made racial discrimination come to culmination.>>完整场景
405. In the racial horse-race, the white racer's race-horse won.>>完整场景
[D'Souza] By Sanger's time, techniques of racial elimination, like lynching, had become taboo within the Democratic Party.>>完整场景
''Eugenics'' means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society and the gradual suppression, elimination, and eventual extirpation of defective stocks... those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.>>完整场景
And Democrats today never tire of lecturing Republicans about racial equality, but it was the Democratic Party that fought against the Fifteenth Amendment, refusing to give slaves the right to vote.>>完整场景
[D'Souza] ''The Democrats are the party of economic opportunity, social justice, and racial equality. '' That's their pitch.>>完整场景
Our purpose here is to protect our black leaders from the racial onslaught of the pig who wishes to brutalize our black leaders, rape our women, and destroy our black communists.>>完整场景