n. 外套
- There is an awkward moment as Lambeau gets his coat and leaves.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Lambeau enters, a bit overdressed in his sport coat and tie.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Sean seems slightly out of place in his wrinkled sport coat.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Will gets his coat.>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
- Example:
- leather coat and fur coat.>> I found a way to learn noun
- 8. Milk of magnesia,Milk of magnesia contains magnesium hydroxide. It’s an acid neutralizer and laxative. When used orally, it may change the pH in your mouth, so the sore cannot thrive. It may also coat the sore to help prevent irritation and relieve pain.
8.镁乳,镁乳中含有氢氧化镁。这是一种酸中和剂和泻药。口服时,它可能会改变口腔中的pH值,因此疮无法茁壮成长。它也可能覆盖在疮上,以帮助防止刺激和缓解疼痛。>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores- 2ND POLISH OFFICER (as Szpilman approaches') Why the f***ing coat?>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- INT. LOFT - DAY Szpilman, wearing the German Captain's coat and under the eiderdown, hears the strange sound of the music, which he recognises.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- Silence. Szpilman shivers with cold. The German Captain takes off his coat and gives it to him.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- EXT. SIDE STREET - EVENING Szpilman lurches into the narrow street. No one about. He stops, almost collapses, but manages to keep hold of himself. He puts on his coat and wraps the scarf round his neck. He leans up against a wall.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- He is galvanised into action, puts on a crumpled jacket, grabs his tattered coat and scarf, collects up a few of his things, stuffs them into a paper bag.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- She turns and starts to walk quickly. Szpilman, putting the collar of his coat up, follows, keeping pace. A pedestrian walks past in the opposite direction but pays them no attention.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- As the SS men advance on Szpilman and Majorek's section, Majorek slips back to his place in the column. Szpilman hides his package inside his coat.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- Jack squeezes the water out of her long coat, tucking it in tightly around her legs. He rubs her arms. His face is chalk with in the darkness. A low MOANING in the darknes around them.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- CAL:
- I put the diamond in my coat pocket. And I put my coat... on her.
我把钻石放在上衣口袋里。然后我穿上外套。。。在她身上。>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script- CUT TO:
- 223 INT. GRAND STAIRCASE TRACKING WITH JACK as he bangs through the doors to the foyer and sprints down the stairs. He sees her coming into A-deck foyer, running toward him, Cal's long coat flying out behind her as she runs.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- 210 INT. A-DECK FOYER As Cal and Lovejoy cross the foyer encounter Benjamin Guggenheim and his valet, coth dressed in white tie, tail-coats and top hats.
210 INT.A-DECK FOYER卡尔和洛夫乔伊穿过门厅时,遇到了本杰明·古根海姆和他的贴身男仆,他们穿着白色领带、燕尾服和礼帽。>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script- Lovejoy pulls a pearl handled Colt .45 automatic from under his coat. The Master at Arms nods and tosses the handcuff key to Lovejoy, then exits with the crewman. Lovejoy flips the key in the air. Catches it.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- Lovejoy shows the coat to the Master at Arms. There is a label inside the collar with the owner's name.
洛夫乔伊向武装大师展示了这件外套。衣领里有一个标签,上面有主人的名字。>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script- LOVEJOY:
- (holding Jack's coat) It's not even your pocket, son.
(拿着杰克的外套)儿子,这甚至不是你的口袋。>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script- ROSE:
- Cal, you can't be serious! We're in the middle of an emergency and you-- Steward Barnes pulls the Heart of the Ocean out of the pocket of Jack's coat.
卡尔,你不是认真的吧!我们正处于紧急状态,而你——斯图尔特·巴恩斯从杰克外套的口袋里拿出了海洋之心。>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script- Lovejoy pulls at Jack's coat and Jack shakes his head in dismay, shrugging out of it. The Master at Arms pats him down.
洛夫乔伊拉了拉杰克的外套,杰克沮丧地摇摇头,耸耸肩。武装大师拍了拍他。>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script- MASTER AT ARMS:
- Coat off, mate.
脱掉外套,伙计。>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script- CUT TO:
- 94 EXT. A-DECK / AFT - DAY A man is playing with his son, who is spinning a top with a string. The man's overcoat and hat are sitting on a deck chair nearby. Jack emerges from behind one of the huge deck cranes and calmly picks up the coat and bowler hat. He walks away, slipping into the coat, and slicks his hair back with spit. Then puts the hat on at a jaunty angle. At a distance he could pass for a gentlemen.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- 66 EXT. POOP DECK - NIGHT A few minutes later. Jack is being detained by the burly MASTER AT ARMS, the closest thing to a cop on board. He is handcuffing Jack. Cal is right in front of Jack, and furious. He has obviously just rushed out here with Lovejoy and another man, and none of them have coats over their black tie evening dress. The other man is COLONEL ARCHIBALD GRACIE, a mustachioed blowhard who still has his brandy snifter. He offers it to Rose, who is hunched over crying on a bench nearby, but she waves it away. Cal is more concerned with Jack. He grabs him by the lapels.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script