
n. [计]在线;联机


Keep quiet! I'm in an online meeting.>>完整场景
- Or I can read it online.>>完整场景
Plus, we have a ton of vintage stuff you can't find online.>>完整场景
I have online meetings all day.>>完整场景
what time will we be taking online classes?>>完整场景
What time will we be taking online classes?>>完整场景
Can you all wear a tie to the online meeting?>>完整场景
Do you have online meetings in the early morning?>>完整场景
meetings- in 连读meeting sin
My kids will be taking an online class at half past one.>>完整场景
Our colleague will be online in a moment.>>完整场景
I want all backup generators online.>>完整场景
Normally, Dan publishes his reports online.>>完整场景
be online any second.>>完整场景
Even a small exodus, even a few people leaving would reverberate through the whole user base. The users are interconnected, that's the whole f***ing point! College kids are online because their friends are online and if one DOMINO-->>完整场景
EDUARDO (V.o.) And then he went to his second business venture which was Plaxo, an online rolodex.>>完整场景
(reading off the computer) "Welcome to theFacebook, TheFacebook is an online directory that connects people through social networks. You must have a Harvard.edu address to register.">>完整场景
(INTO PHONE) No it's today's paper, it went online yesterday morning around 10.>>完整场景
(INTO PHONE) It's titled, "Hundreds Register for New Facebook Website" and then the sub- headline is "Facemash creator seeks new reputation with latest online project.">>完整场景
We're gonna need a little start-up cash to rent'the servers and get it online.>>完整场景
It was because I put up pictures of girls that people knew. So if people Want to go on the internet and check out their friends, why can't I build a website that offers that? An online community of friends. Pictures, profiles, whatever you can click into, visit, browse around. All from the privacy of your dorm room. I'm not talking about a dating site. I'm talking about taking the entire social structure of college and putting it online.>>完整场景
CourseMatch. You go online, you get to see what courses your friends are taking?>>完整场景
Cell phones, online dating, Wi-Fi.>>完整场景
EDI back online, Dr. Orbit.>>完整场景
Look her up online?>>完整场景
The others will soon bring the generator online.>>完整场景