
n. 夹克;短上衣


In this jacket?>>完整场景
RANDY (v.o.) Place the jacket over your head, and when I give the word pull the cord under the left side flap.>>完整场景
RANDY (v.o.) Remove the jacket and unfold it so that the red arrow points up.>>完整场景
INT. TERMINAL BUILDING - ANOTHER AREA - NIGHT Striker, walking briskly, is approached by Zealot #3 who tries to pin a flower on his jacket. Striker keeps walking but the Zealot is persistent. Finally, Striker slips out of his jacket leaving the Zealot with the coat.>>完整场景
273 EXT. ABANDONED LOT - EASTLEIGH - AFTERNOON 273 JAMA emerges from his hiding spot. He takes off his jacket and hides it in rubble so he is less recognizable.>>完整场景
ON SCREEN: SURREY, ENGLAND 12 EXT. COUNTRY LANE - SURREY - DAWN 12 POWELL, now in Wellington boots and a weatherproof jacket, walks with Jesse. There is a weariness about her. A profound sadness lurking just beneath her tough exterior.>>完整场景
- I bought the jacket.>>完整场景
So how much cash was in that jacket?>>完整场景
Left that out of your service jacket.>>完整场景
She cradles the flashlight between her knees and opens the first aid kit as he removes his jacket.>>完整场景
Sarah opens his jacket and the flashlight beam shows his shirt bloodsoaked at the shoulder.>>完整场景
Sarah scowls and draws her hand out from under his jacket.>>完整场景
He removes the charred remains of his jacket and props.>>完整场景
He pushes up the sleeve of his jacket and shows her a ten digit number etches on the skin of his forearm.>>完整场景
He unhurriedly removes the spent clip, reloads the weapon and replaces it under his jacket.>>完整场景
She gasps and stops in her tracks as Terminator smoothly pulls the .45 from under his jacket and snaps the cocking slide.>>完整场景
Terminator emerges onto the street from the playground, pausing in the pool of light under a streetlight to hike the collar of the punk's jacket.>>完整场景
Michelle... But just as he starts to speak, trumpets blast and the King steps through the doors and out into the lavish gardens; the party goers give him a rousing ovation. Raoul returns the ring to his jacket, to wait for another moment.>>完整场景
Somebody with... red hair... fuII, pouting Iips... a white bIouse, green jacket... and a name tag.>>完整场景
What about my dinner jacket?>>完整场景
The medic hands back GORDON'S jacket. Something has been stuffed in his breast pocket. Puzzled, GORDON finds BRUCE'S microfilm. Holding it up to the light, his jaw drops open>>完整场景
A pair of ORDERLIES pass wheeling a young, very pale man in a straight jacket. He has green-ish hair.>>完整场景
Red shrugs off his jacket and picks up a sander. Together, they start sanding the hull as we>>完整场景
126 ON THE SLOPE 126 Andy pulls a towel-wrapped bundle from his jacket and unfolds it. Jake. Andy lays him in the box, followed by Brook's letter. Red places the casket in the hole. A moment of silence. Andy gives Red with an encouraging nod.>>完整场景
Jigger and Floyd start swinging picks into the soft earth, quickly ripping out a hole. Red reaches into his jacket and pulls out a beautiful wooden box, carefully stained and varnished. He shows it around to nods of approval.>>完整场景