
n. 包裹;一副;一群;包装;背包


GRANT (cont'd) Velociraptor's a pack hunter, you see, he uses coordinated attack patterns, and he's out in force today. And he slashes at you with this - - He takes the claw from his pocket and holds it at the front of the raptor's three-toed foot.>>完整场景
LOOKING DOWN: The entire pack is now standing still, watching him. In the center, the Alpha Male lets out a sort of BARK. Responding to the cry, the other raptors CALL BACK.>>完整场景
69BEXT. ELSEWHERE IN THE JUNGLE - DAY69B Climbing higher in a tree, Grant is just feet above a growing pack of raptors. He scales one branch, the next, finally reaching a perch that the dinosaurs can't jump to.>>完整场景
Indeed, the pack weaves its way through the herd -- the raptors only want them.>>完整场景
The raptor pack moves into the hunting formation. One ALPHA-MALE RAPTOR. slightly larger than the others, leads the charge up the middle.>>完整场景
From the lab building, the raptor we left imprisoned now BURSTS out one of the doors and HOWLS to the pack -- the same cry we heard in the lab.>>完整场景
Responding to the growls, a herd of grazing HADROSAURS suddenly flees across the open space. Then, in the distance behind the herd A PACK OF RAPTORS emerges from the jungles, coming their way.>>完整场景
Udesky pull out a flashlight from his pack and looks to Amanda.>>完整场景
It, pack everything, come on.>>完整场景
The horse has been set and waiting for us tungangi before night I understand, welcome pack that's an order.>>完整场景
- Pack it up to go. Coming right up, Mr. Wescott.>>完整场景
Just to be sure, you can take my pack.>>完整场景
MARK takes a cigarette from a pack, lights it, takes a drag and blows the smoke out before he says...>>完整场景
Absolutely. My answer is I don't have the first damn clue. Maybe he was an early morning riser and he liked to pack in the nq. And maybe he didn't have any friends. I'm an educated man, but I'm afraid I can't speak intelligently about the travel habits of William Santiago. What I do know is that he was set to leave the base at 0600. Now are these really the questions I was called here to answer? Phone calls and footlockers?>>完整场景
Now, out in the real world, that means nothing. And here at the Washington Navy Yard, it doesn't mean a whole lot more. But if you're a marine assigned to Rifle Security Company Windward, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and you're given an order, you follow it or you pack your bags.>>完整场景
18 INT. LIPSKY'S W 77TH ST APT/LIVING ROOM - NYC - 1996 - NIGHT 18 Sarah reads her own copy of Infinite Jest as Lipsky walks back and forth across frame, gathering stuff to pack for his trip. Laptop. Notebook. Wallace’s books, full of notations and post-its. Tape recorder, packs of audio cassettes. He considers then tosses in The Art Fair and zips up his bag.>>完整场景
We pack you up, go to your doctor, and him and you talk.>>完整场景
Selena grabs her pack and rushes in. When the door's closed, Phipps turns to Dray, indicates monitor.>>完整场景
Beat. Gordy hates going along with Brandt, but has nochoice, nods to Selena. She takes the headset. As she puts it on, Brandt sees her pack. Takes it and opens it.>>完整场景
Selena takes Mauro's hand, grabs a small pack lying nextto him, then leads Gordy off through the jungle.>>完整场景
184 IN ANOTHER SHED 184 workers pack and wrap one-kilo bricks of coke forshipment.>>完整场景
115 GORDY 115 leaves the group in the middle of the river. The GUNFIRE is now FAR-OFF AND SPORADIC. He crosses to the water's edge on the far bank. Pulls the Zippo from his pack andleans over. Uses the flame to illuminate the mud and rock immediately in front of him. Scratches lightly atthe ground with the machete, searching for mines. Finds nothingin that spot. And steps onto it.>>完整场景
The men run up. One man covers Gordy, while Ever and theother man rifle his pack and toss his pockets. They takehis passport, wallet, and an NYFD T-shirt. And then they're gone.>>完整场景
Go and pack my things I'm going to meet my future bride.>>完整场景
We're tying to pack.>>完整场景