
n. 自杀;自杀者;自杀行为


No-one will pull out, that would be suicide man down 17 percent for the year, but if they trust me, and they trust me!>>完整场景
! Sir, will kill him Is not our mission is to protect this man Why does this man? - What is hell? - Center?, They sent someone to the market ! There is a fool tries to commit suicide I bet he was an American Stop, stop Do not jump I am very sorry - Stupid - ! I'm sorry Stopped him - Turned away, turned away - Reply to this phone - Well - I think you need them more than me - Thank you - Do not you Otdechn?>>完整场景
You know as well as I do that this is suicide, pure and simple, for everyone.>>完整场景
HUMPERDINCK: I suggest a deal. You write four copies of a letter. I'll send my four fastest ships. One in each direction. The Dread Pirate Roberts is always close to Florin this time of year. We'll run up the white flag and deliver your message. If Westley wants you, bless you both. If not ... please consider me as an alternative to suicide. Are we agreed?>>完整场景
“Not to kill,” Augustus said. “But I’ll promise to disable you if you don’t let me be about this leg.” “I never took you for a suicide, Gus,” Call said. “Men have gotten by without legs. Lots of ’em lost legs in the war. You don’t like to do nothing but sit on the porch and drink whiskey anyway. It don’t take legs to do that.” “No, I also like to walk around to the springhouse once in a while, to see if my jug’s cooled proper,” Augustus said. “Or I might want to kick a pig if one aggravates me.” Call saw that it was pointless unless he wanted to risk a fight. Gus had not uncocked the pistol either. Call looked at the doctor to see what he thought.>>完整场景
“Who are you?” he asked. “We’re horse traders, so hold your damn fire.” He realized it would be suicide to draw and decided a bluff was his best chance, though the shock, plus the whiskey he had just drunk, made him unsteady for a moment. It was a moment too long, for a black man with a rifle stepped behind him and lifted his pistol. Roy Suggs was sitting where he was, his mouth open, too surprised even to move. Little Eddie lay flat on his back, stunned by his shoulder wound.>>完整场景
It stops the heart But I don't need it anymore Still, it's safer with me We need to get going Our German brothers-in-arms continue their victorious advance into Western Europe Fuhrer and Chancellor of the Reich, Adolf Hitler has praised his troops And here's another man with reason to celebrate the composer of "Gloomy Sunday", a wildly successful recording But its magical tones have driven 157 people to suicide in the last The tune's gruesome march across Europe continues And the song has conquered the world New York's smart set has taken to driving their Studebakers into the Hudson, with a portable phonograph on the front seat "Gloomy Sunday" may be bringing death to many But it's brought wealth to one its composer - Hans!>>完整场景
No kiddin'. There are easier ways to commit suicide, Homer.>>完整场景
- We agreed not to commit suicide.>>完整场景
This is suicide, don't you understand? Suicide!>>完整场景
And I knew, that if anybody was fated to f*** up a suicide attempt, it was me.>>完整场景
This is after your suicide watch?>>完整场景
610. The decisive decimal point made the acid man decide to suicide.>>完整场景
This is a scientific expedition... Our magazine has a higher purpose than to finance and enable men bent on suicide.>>完整场景
LIEUTENANT-GENERAL BENSON I have attended the immediate aftermath of five suicide bombings.>>完整场景
ON THE GROUND ALI looks back in horror as secondary explosions from the two suicide vests rip the house apart.>>完整场景
On the Beetle screen, ABADE, frustrated, re-enters the * bedroom. He moves RASHEED into a kneeling position on the * floor and pulls the suicide vest over his head. *>>完整场景
(interrupting) Sir, you must act NOW. You have two men about to embark on a suicide mission; you have number two, four and five on the President’s East Africa kill list in your sights - and you are putting the whole operation at risk because of one collateral damage issue?! I realize this mission is your call, but there will be some mighty angry people here in the White House, and at the Pentagon, and out there in the world, if you allow these people to leave and blow a shopping mall to kingdom come.>>完整场景
On the Beetle feed, Muhammad finishes his suicide recordingand stands looking lost, waiting for ABADE to return.>>完整场景
No one knows quite what to say. On the Beetle screen, ABADE’S * recording of Muhammad’s suicide video continues. * 230 INT. GROUND CONTROL STATION - NIGHT 230 STEVE and CARRIE wait anxiously.>>完整场景
BENSON types a secure text to POWELL: “You have clearance.” 191 INT. PJHQ - LONDON - AFTERNOON 191 POWELL sees BENSON’S text pop up on her screen: COLONEL POWELL: (to herself) Thank you... She reaches for her secure phone to STEVE as she watches RASHEED standing to begin having his suicide vest fitted.>>完整场景
190 INT. BRIEFING ROOM A - WHITEHALL - AFTERNOON 190 JACK comes back into the room. He glances at the screen and sees MUHAMMAD, in his suicide vest, stepping aside to watch as ABADE takes the second vest and begins preparing RASHEED.>>完整场景
STANITZKE: Why the hell are you wasting my time referring this to me? ... No, his citizenship does not protect him. By joining Al-Shabaab he has declared himself an enemy of the United States... What?... Well, the suicide vests are a bonus! Listen to me! Tell the British that if they really do have two, four and five on the East Africa list in their sights they have our full support to strike... Yes, all three are on the President’s kill list.>>完整场景
184 INT. PJHQ -LONDON - AFTERNOON 184 POWELL watches the live feed from the beetle in the bedroom: ABADE lifts an unarmed suicide vest over MUHAMMAD’S head. He and AL-HADY begin to carefully fill a dozen pockets in the vest with cylinders of EXPLOSIVES.>>完整场景
Surely you have agents on theground who could intercept... LIEUTENANT-GENERAL BENSON Intercept a suicide bomber on acity street?! We are trying tominimise collateral damage... 176 INT. GROUND CONTROL STATION - NIGHT 176 STEVE and CARRIE, both extremely tense and focused.>>完整场景