
n. 物质;实质;主旨;资产


! But in the end I still maths teacher Can you take my picture? - For - ! Emergency message Do you think that this? - Why, I'm not sure - It does not seem to me more of a personal photo But the substance and seems like he is ! The same view of the quiet, and feeling cold I do not know, probably is - If you were not sure of is Enough - Check out all the databases And you will find a match Well, but'll put it under any report?>>完整场景
Everything is empty, only fate is with substance.>>完整场景
this would be a psychiatrist - a substance abuse professional or a psychologist.>>完整场景
Looking up, Grant notices a large strut, covered with the same substance. Realizing what it could be.>>完整场景
75AEXT. RIVER CANYON - FAR WALL - DAY75A Across the canyon, Grant moves across the later support. With his hand on the railing, he sends a white, hardened substance dropping into the mist.>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) I mean what person of any substance would trust this bunch of jerk-offs? Like the Pinhead, * Robbie Feinberg.>>完整场景
Would you tell the Court the substance of that meeting?>>完整场景
I had thoughtlessly ingested a substance.>>完整场景
Without substance, without Iife reaIity memory.>>完整场景
Thought to have healing powers, rhino horn is in fact mere keratin, the same substance as our fingernail.>>完整场景
24.Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance’s solid is higher than the density of its liquid。>>完整场景
Its substance unknown, its secrets unexplored, the meteor lies dormant in the night, waiting.>>完整场景
He draws a milky substance from a Pyrex beaker into a vicious looking SYRINGE.>>完整场景
INT. BRUCE WAYNE'S APARTMENT - NIGHT BRUCE reads a recipe from the Anarchist's Handbook and mixes a tar-like substance on his scarred and blackened STOVE.>>完整场景